Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday Pecha Kucha: Success!

I ran the Wednesday D5&D6 lab with Marie-Claude. The students were very creative in coming up with topics related to their fields of study for the Pecha Kucha. Titles and/or topics are listed as follows:

Nutrition and Food Science Majors:
- "Piggly Wigglies"
- "Obesity"
- "The Hamburger"
-"Western Diet vs. Asian Diet"
- "Why Cows are Great"
- "Raw Food Diet"
- "What Makes a Healthy Diet"

Environmental and Conservation Science/Forestry Majors:
- Topics covered: Forest Types, Flora, Soil Types, Wildlife, Threats, Natural disturbance, Climate and Geography

Human Ecology Majors:
- Topics covered: Areas of Study, Clothing and Textiles, Interior Design, Family Ecology, Child and Youth, Community Diversity, My Practicum

Participants were highly successful in working with the time constraint (20 seconds per slide and 1 minute per speaker)--their discussion was concise and entertaining. They worked very well with the quickly changing visual backdrop, and the slides were highly appealing to look at and imparted just the right amount of information.

This was my first experience with Pecha Kucha and I can see now why it's so popular in so many places!

1 comment:

  1. This lab was a lot of fun! It certainly taught us the power of 20 seconds. Speaking from the view of an audience member, 20 seconds was short enough to keep me engaged and interested in the topics that were being presented. Sometimes when informative topics get presented in too much detail and depth we lose interest. This links to what Maira said in her presentation on posters- you don't want a poster with too much writing and information, keep it short (approx 800 words).
