Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lecture 8: Facebook for Business

Today is the last lesson of the week focussing on using Facebook as an opportunity to brand ourselves as great potential employees. We are going to make an online cv that people can "like" and "share." Having this online business presence will illustrate a few obvious elements including:

  • your professional profile
  • your up-to-date education/work experience etc.
  • your online presence
Also, think about some of the not so obvious aspects that you can show via your online cv:

  • your creativity
  • sense of humour
  • you know how to create memorable content
  • you know how to harness social media for a business purpose
NOTE: If you are wary of posting certain information online, please come and see me, and we will create a "paper" version of the assignment.

Note: Remember, this assignment forms part of your e-portfolio. It will not be graded separately BUT if you look at the rubric, you will see what you need to complete.

Note: Image found at Meghan Oliver 

DUE DATE EXTENDED to Monday September 26th, 17:00 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do we have to be really specific about our education/work/volunteer experiences? What if I am not comfortable with putting my address on the page? Anyone can read this page - not just employers, so I would rather not have anyone and everyone to read about the specifics. Plus, the example CV wasn't highly detailed either.

  3. On Facebook under the "Info" tab, how can I change it so my "Interests" and "Activites" etc aren't thumbnails but the writing instead? Thumbnails look extremely unprofessional but I don't see any options to change it.

  4. Thanks for letting us work on our Facebook pages today in class! It was great to have you there so we could ask questions!

  5. Remember Ann, you don't need to make your page public, you just need to take a photo of it to add to your e-portfolio. You also had the option of making a hard copy. Thanks for checking in!

  6. For the researchers/scientists in the field that you would like us to follow on Twitter, do they absolutely have to be individuals. I've found that in the field of nutrition I am far more inclined to follow organizations and groups that provide the latest news in nutrition research. Also I've found it quite difficult to track down many nutrition researchers on Twitter, any tips searching on twitter would be greatly appreciated!

  7. Thank you, Jessica. I will submit a hard copy then.

  8. I had to re-create my blog in order to be able to upload pictures.

    My new blog is, where you can find direct links to my new Facebook profile and Flickr account.

    Lab D5

  9. Here is the link to my blog with my Facebook assignment...

    Lab D4


  10. Here's the link for my facebook business page!


  11. I'm not quite sure where to post this, but I also made a new blog because of the email/photo issues. My new blog is

  12. Here is the link to my Blog with the Facebook assignment :)
    I couldn't submit the picture for the blog, not even using the flickr account.

    lab D8

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Here's the link to my facebook module for blogspot:

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    here is the link to the blogger where you can find the flickr link and my facebook image.

    lab D1

    Zijian Huang


    here's the link to my blog post for module 3

    lab d2


    Here's my blog post for the Facebook page assignment. I couldn't upload the picture in Flickr but included the link to it in my blog.

    LAB D6

  19. Hey, I just realized I forgot to update the photos on my last blog post. I know its past the due date, but these photos of my facebook are way better. Take a look at my blog (you should be able to click on my name)

  20. I hadn't really thought of using a facebook account as a resume before but after seeing how well some people had done with theirs it made me wish I had more html experience to make my page as professional as theirs. I think in some ways a great facebook page like those would also be better for marketing or IT professionals since it really shows off their skills that would be directly applicable to their job.

  21. This class is definitely opening my eyes to all that can be done online! I would never have thought of doing an online resume before. I still remain skeptical posting some information online, however using the internet as a tool to promote a business is a very affordable, marketing resource. I am quite shocked at how many people have blogs and use twitter. Now that I have twitter, I notice more often when people say they have twitter, or when websites say "Follow me on Twitter". It seems to be quite the current trend...I just wonder what will be next?!

  22. Laura Adam, I 100% agree. I would never have considered doing an online resume before. Even my dad is very interested in what I'm doing in this class. I'm teaching him this weekend how to use Twitter for work!

  23. I've always considered Facebook and a lot of other social media sites to be strictly for socializing with friends and family. However, now with the advent of so many sites and its expansion, it's kind of interesting to see many businesses utilize this and provide updates on Twitter to prospective clients.

  24. Facebook as a source for a resume did seem a little odd at first. But, now that I've had time to think about it, and have learnt a lot more about communication and online resumes. Facebook seems like a perfectly logical place for a resume. I'm still amazed with how much I've learnt about social media!
