Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lecture 11: Guest Lecture

Today's guest lecture will be given by Dr. Wendy Doughty. Dr. Doughty will focus on the body language of strong public speaking.

 Please add a comment here about Wendy's talk. Also, please send me three tweets about new things you have learned from this lecture.

Dr. Doughty:

Holds Doctorate (1995) and Master’s degrees in Educational Administration from the University of Alberta. Has a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Guelph. Held increasingly responsible management positions at Grant MacEwan College from 1980 to 1998. Considerable training in group facilitation, program evaluation, applied research and project management. Active community volunteer. is currently a Board member of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Alberta Chapter. Previously Board Chair of Goodwill Industries of Alberta  and Vice-Chair of the Alberta Baroque Music Society. Recognized for her work in community education by being named to Who’s Who of Canadian Women and the Canadian Who’s Who. Has considerable international experience, carrying out a variety of international educational needs assessments and design of programs. This work has taken her twice to Uganda, as well as to Hong Kong and Japan. Member, Canadian Evaluation Society


  1. I found Wendy's speech to be extremely informative and helpful! I've never been so captivated by a public speaker before, I WANTED to listen to her, not just because I had to. She is extremely knowledgeable and offered several, extremely simple ways that we can improve our interviewing and public speaking skills. Aside from the obvious, show up on time and rehearse what you're going to say, I never realized how much effect your appearance can have on how well you speak and how many people want to listen to you. Next time I go to an interview, I'm definitely going to clean my shoes and wear red!

  2. Dr. Doughty showed the mistakes many of us make while giving speeches..thought she demonstrated distracting things we do in a humorous manor! Kept a topic that could be dry very interesting

  3. It was interesting to become more aware of mistakes we (myself included) make while giving a presentation/public speaking. This will be very useful in my upcoming marketing presentations!

  4. Wendy's lecture was very informative. Gave me a lot of insight when public speaking because when i get up in front of people my heart tends to beat out of control. She was very helpful and made me think about some of the things that i do. Another thing i liked about her lecture was that it was interactive and the stretching exercise was quite refreshing.

  5. Wendy's lecture was very interesting. Having gone through a media training course, I already knew about not fidgeting or playing with your clothes but I enjoyed learning about some pre-presentation warm-up exercises. Should come in handy!

  6. Wendy's speech was both entertaining and very useful. She addressed all of the common public speaking mistakes that I have found myself committing in the past. Her tips will definitely help me in the future.

  7. I really enjoyed Wendy's lecture today. She pointed out many things we should and should not do while doing speeches. I also liked when she got us all up and practicing the different techniques she suggested.

  8. Definitely a welcome change from the standard lecture. I didn't recognize myself in any of the common fidgeting stereotypes but I will keep them in mind next time I find myself in a front of an audience. I think half of the point of the "warm-ups" was to get used to doing ridiculous things in public. I used to be terrified of public speaking before I absolutely crash and burned on a presentation. Once the worst had happened I realized the worst wasn't really that bad. Every presentation since has gone much better.

  9. I found Wendy's speech to have a lot of useful info on what to do and what not to do while public speaking. I'm not good at public speaking because I'm bad for being forgetful or trying to make up my mistake but just stuttering instead. I also add too many 'umm...'s when I forget my next line. I now think I'll be more conscious of when I'm fidgeting with my hair or clothing. The problem with me is I loose all confidence in front of a large crowd. In a small group of people I usual voice my opinions etc. I just hate being put on the spot. Let's hope Wendy's advice will be put to good use next time I have to do any public speaking!

  10. Whenever I do a presentation, the only tip I always get from people is to relax and have fun. It did help but after Wendy's lecture, I can definitely pull of an excellent presentation/speech, with practice of course.

  11. Dr. Doughty is an incredible public speaker. She is very aware of how to engage her audience and keep her message interesting. Her speech was very funny as well as informative. Personally, public speaking makes me very nervous and Dr. Doughty touched on a lot of mistakes that I make while delivering a speech. I hope that I can improve my presence (not be so nervous) by putting this advice to good use.

  12. Enjoyed listening to Wendy speak. She kept things lively and entertaining while maintaining professionalism and informative. Lots of good info was mentioned on how to better ourselves while doing presentations. Also notes on things I have done during presentations as well as ones I have never seen; women rocking their hips back and forth.

  13. Wendy is an excellent speaker! I very much enjoyed her presentation this morning. Her lecture was not only hilarious, but also very informative. She cast light on many mistakes made while presenting or communicating with others; I make many of these and plan to improve.
    I have never seen a large group of people rock their hips (you go guys!) or pucker up and try to talk. One word: hilarious.

  14. I enjoyed listening to Wendy today. She knows how to keep people interested and involved in her lectures! She not only taught us many helpful things about speeches, how to avoid bad habits, present ourselves in the best way, and provided us woth tips, but she also set an amazing example for us! It was awesome listening to her! :)

  15. It was a great presentation. I think its really important to think about the mistakes we can make during a presentation as it can seriously affect the impact it has on an audience

  16. Todays lecture by Wendy Doughty was a prime example of an entertaining and informative presentation. She gave many helpful hints to giving a successful speech. The most interesting tip I took from the lecture was to 'warm up' before any speech or interview. It makes complete sense that we should not only prepare mentally but physically as well. Thank you Wendy for pointing that out, perhaps it will help me to calm down the public speaking jitters I get.

  17. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Dr. Doughty. She was funny but so truthful! I haven't had a guest lecture that interesting since before I started university! What made me the most interested though, was the fact that everything (almost everything) she spoke of I have experienced. It made me more confident that I will know what to do if I am stuck while or before giving a presentation. Thanks Dr. Doughty!

  18. Wendy's class this morning was great! I'm not sure who had more fun in class or the people looking at us through the windows from outside the class! I'm calling it the "Workout with Wendy". I do think her tips on appearance and loosening up before a speech are good advice. I'm planning on trying a couple of her tips prior to my next lab presentation.

  19. Todays lecture by Wendy Doughty, I enjoyed a lot and I found that it is really informative and helpful. She knows what she is talking about and what her tips are very useful. Since, I'm not confident talking in front or people, but definitly I'll follow what she said.

  20. Dr. Doughty's lecture today was interesting. It was entertaining, informative, creative and definitely fun for people in the class and for those waiting outside the lecture theater for their class. I found her tips useful and her "most commonly done by .. " very true. It was good to find out that wearing something red will ensure you'll be remembered and that us girls can continue buying more shoes since shoes are the part of your appearance people look at first.

  21. Wendy's lecture focused a lot on a person's appearance when presenting. The way you look and compose yourself is the first thing that a person notices when you walk into the room. Her many tips for prepping yourself for a presentation were informative and useful as well. Breathing properly, dressing properly, and taking care to keep your appearance fresh and well kept all seem to contribute to a great presenter. I look forward to using some of these tips in my next presenting experience.

  22. This lecture was full of practical information people can apply to their lives. I definitely plan on using some of the tips to relax before public speaking or job interviews. Breathing properly is very important for being clam, and is something we tend to forget when nervous.

  23. Wendy's lecture really provided practical, effective strategies on the small things you don't think about when you're giving a presentation or at a job interview. These tips were very informative. I feel that I can be a more effective presenter or interviewee in the future. I kept close notes on her presentation so that I can use the skills she taught us when I face future presentations or interviews.

  24. I found the lecture today to be an exciting one. I also didn't realize how important my shoes would be when giving a class presentation. I know to look nice but I didn't think that my plain old shoes wouldn't be good enough.
    Although I am not a confident public speaker, I will keep practicing and hopefully improve my skills.

  25. Today's lecture was really useful and fun. She pointed out many mistakes we might make during presentation, and also the importance of stretching before a presentation. Overall, I really enjoyed Wendy's lecture today, and hopefully I can use some of her tips in the future.

  26. It's a great idea to expose common errors and distractions speakers make while addressing an audience.  Dr. Doughty ran through a checklist of simple tasks to keep in mind when preparing for and delivering a public speech, job interview, or the like.  For example, wearing comfortable attire is not only easy to remember, but will also enable a speaker to maintain proper posture, avoid fidgeting, etc..

  27. Today's lecture was the funniest lecture I have ever had! Wendy is an excellent speaker, she has a power to turn her speech into an interesting talk, which makes all students participate and laugh but also able to learn. I think her talk impresses people! And I have learned a lot of useful techniques that can be applied in public speaking and also some errors that we need to prevent. Overall, now I know how to make myself look smart and look confident! And surely it will also help my speaking skills!

  28. Dr Doughty was a lot of fun today. It was very neat to have such an interactive and lively class at 9am. Good speakers always remind me that speaking infront of a crowd shouldn't be so scary and intimidating. I found the tidbit on wearing red very interesting and have already passed it on to many people I know. :)

  29. Dr. Doughty's interactive approach to the lecture made the subject of presenting and public speaking very interesting and engaging! With her demonstrations of what not to do, she clearly showed us all how to become better presenters. From physical appearance to voice projection to ways to deal with nerves, Dr. Doughty has equipped us well for presentations and interviews.

  30. WOW! Dr Doughty really drew my attention! The way she handled herself/spoke is something Id would like to achieve as well.
    Ill be sure to remember her tips and tricks like "warming up" before the presentation.

    Id say this lecture was full of practical information that we can actually use!


  31. I really enjoyed Dr. Doughty's talk. I loved her enthusiasm and really appreciated her tips. She was really successful in bringing a true "presence" to the class; she was very good at capturing and maintaining the class' attention. I really enjoyed that she helped incorporate us into her lecture by having us get up and stretch it out, this made it much easier to stay focused and engaged. I will definitely be using her tips in the near future when it comes to interviews for school and work.

  32. Wendy's lecture is not just about fun and entertaining but useful for me too. She suggests the do's and don's during the interview.She also gives us concrete example of what we should do, eg. use your index finger and thumb to tuck into your chin to show profession. Her tips for how to look smart really impressed me and teach me a lesson.

  33. Wendy did a great job at captivating the audience! Her advice on what to do and what not to do during a presentation was very informative. We aren't always aware of our body language and what it is communicating to others...and the last thing we want to do while giving a presentation is to appear nervous or unsure of ourselves. I especially liked her tips on preparing for a speech; since most of us aren't used to projecting our voices, I think is was a useful exercise. As well, I will always make sure to stroke my chin the next time I'm at a loss for words!!

  34. I thought Wendy's lecture today was great. She is an amazing public speaker and I think we all learned a lot from her. I especially liked when she showed all the different nervous habits that people do. I know I've done some of those myself. It was a great lecture about communication and how to present yourself.

  35. Wendy's lecture on Friday was one of those lectures in university that you won't forget! She got us moving and doing "pre-speech exercises". I think we could all notice a difference in ourselves from when we first stood up, and then when we finished with the projection of our voice. (I think the class outside had fun watching us on that one!) I could tell she has had much experience with public speaking and it was great that she was willing to share her knowledge with us. I never would have guessed that shoes are such an important part of a presentation. I admit it is usually hard to even see the professor's shoes when sitting in a class...but I will be looking out for them now!

    I know the next time I go up to speak I will be thinking of the tips Wendy gave us. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us!

  36. The lecture on Friday by Wendy was hilarious and informative. I enjoyed how she made the class stand up, participate, realize some of the mistakes we occasionally make and in the end, how to correct these mistakes. As a person who has the tendency to mumble, her techniques on how to project your voice better were quite helpful!

    I will position myself into that "deep thinkng" pose the next time I forget something in my presentation.

  37. Wendy's speech in Fridays class was very entertaining. Next time I have to do a speech I'm going to be hiding away practicing all those funny exercises so my voice can be heard and I'm more confident for my presentation. I will definitely be taking in to consideration about wearing red and having nice shoes along with comfortable clothes and my hair pulled back. I definitely know I do alot of the habits she pointed out so hopefully next time I can be more relaxed and less fidgety. Thanks Dr Doughty!

  38. Wendy's speech is impressive.She gave several examples that students made mistakes during presentation.It really helps for us to avoid these mistakes during presentation.The exercise she taught us makes me feel relaxed. I will do it before presentation so that I can be more confident in my presentation.

  39. I loved Wendy's speech. She knows so much about public speaking! It was fun to stand up and move around to practice letting go of our nerves. She gave us excellent tips of what not to do during presentations such as playing with our hair, clothes and fidgeting. I am going to take everything she said with me when i present my next speech!

  40. Wendy is a great public speaker! I loved being able to get up and move around in class and learn how to get rid of any nerves you may have before speaking in public. One thing that I took away from Wendy's presentation is to wear red during an interview. She said it's a great way to be remembered. I'll remember that for my next important interview. She also brought up great points about all the little things we do when we're nervous that can be very distracting while you're presenting. It also gives away how nervous you are. I will definitely use some of her techniques for my next public speech!

  41. Wendy is an awesome public speaker and she shared many of her do's and don'ts with our class. I found it great that she not just told us what to avoid in a bland and quick fashion, but that she demonstrated to us in a humorous way that kept everyone in the class focused on her to see what funny thing she would do next. In addition she got us to stand up and move around, do vocal and lip stretches which was a tad embarrassing but fun nonetheless. I will definitely remember many of her tips next time I have to stand up in front of an audience such as: wear something red, look at people's foreheads rather than making awkward eye contact, and to try not to fidget.
    Thank you very much Wendy!

  42. Her speech not only captured the listeners attention but made one want to stay tuned in to hear every word of it! From multiple tips and advice on how to be a better public speaker, her speech was not only interesting but informative. Also, there were many tips on how to fix common mistakes which we can all work on to be a more professional public speaker.

  43. Wendy was a great public speaker. She really knew how to captivate the audience. She showed us some really great tips on public speaking, things that I would never have even thought about! Things like wearing red to an interview, not crossing your arms when talking, looking down at your notes, making it look like your having a deep thought when really you are trying to remember what you were talking about in the first place. She was a great presence in the room, I would definitely go to another one of her speeches again!

    Rachael Adams

  44. Dr Doughty's lecture was very helpful! I have been doing presentations for the past two years at the last job I held, and I always found it quite unnerving to have several people look straight at you the whole time. Because of that, I tend to fiddle with my notes. What i took from Dr Doughty's lecture is showing confidence even though your insides feel like jelly. The stretches she made us do were quite entertaining, and i will make a point to try those before doing any presentation. You could tell that she's great at public speakjngfrom the way she talked, and her posture and everything. Her whole presentation screamed finesse. I will definitely keep her tips in mind next time I have to give a presentation. Thanks Dr Doughty! :)

  45. Dr Doughty was an effective speaker because she made us laugh and that made it easier for her to get her point across. Some topics does not allow for there to be humour but if it is possible it is a powerful tool.

  46. Her speech really shows how important your personal presence is in front of an audience. If you are enthusiastic and excited to present it will really engage the audience. I am always so nervous during presentations and I am sure that comes across to everyone watching. When I am listening to someone who is paticularily monotoned or uncomfortable I find it very difficult to pay attention or even stay awake. With enough practice I think anyone can be a great speaker, I am hoping this gets rid of my fidgetting while I am in front of a group of people.

  47. Dr. Doughty's lecture on friday was great! The excitement and enthusiasm from when she first started speaking really shows how great of a teacher she is. Not only did she give the whole class tips and things to watch out for, while doing a presentation, she gave us a way of learning to build up our confidence, in one of the most ever-lasting style of teaching. Her tips for success will stick to me, and though i'm guilty of pulling off some of those "do-not do" aspects of her lecture, i'm sure i will build a routine to overcome these obstacles.

    I look forward to see everyone wearing red in our next lab!

  48. Dr. Doughty's lecture on Friday was interesting. Definitely a change from the standard lecture class, but her lecture was informative and she is an excellent public speaker. Some of the general tendencies of nervousness that she pointed out definitely made me aware of the habits that I do when presenting, especially the "hip dance."

  49. The lecture from Dr. Doughty on Friday was interesting, and one that I could really appreciate because it was a change from a standard lecture but also something that is applicable to our class. I also enjoyed that while she was teaching how to speak pubicly, she was setting a great example. I am really nervous when I speak in front of a group, so hopefully some of her tips will be able to help me stop fidgeting, and get the point of my presentations accross more effectively.

  50. Dr. Doughty's lecture on public speaking was very entertaining and insightful. She presented herself well and gave good examples of what to do properly and improperly. I didn't know so many components went into performing a good speech. Pointing out comon mistakes gave us the tools for correction, planning, and having confidence while speaking in public :)

  51. Wendy’s talk was very eye opening as to how many distracting things people do during presentations. She certainly is an awesome public speaker and provides very useful tips when it comes to public speaking. To be honest, I am quite guilty of several of the “Don’ts” she mentioned. I definitely learned something from her presentation, such as simply wearing red to an interview can guarantee you’ll be remembered. The little exercises that we did really did loosen me up. If I ever have to give a presentation, I may try to stretch before or do little exercises. Maybe that will help me relax and be less tense when giving my presentation.

  52. Dr. Doughty's lecture was very entertaining, but also very educational. She pointed out many little nervous habits we do while speaking in front of audiences, something I had never thought about before. Watching her act them all out made me realize how distracting they truly are! I also enjoyed her tips on how to relax so your presentation can be the best possible. I never thought about stretching or warming up my lips before!

  53. Dr.Doughty's presentation really highlighted how important personal presence is when speaking publicly. When you teach classes or give presentations, you've got to hook your audience into the topic and keep them there. She gave lots of tips on how to keep your audiences tuned in, such as a humorous personality and interacting with your audience. But, the 'don'ts' she covered I am definitely guilty for. I definitely have some work ahead of me to improve my public speaking skills. (can never stop with the 'uhhhs', 'likes', and the fidgeting!)

  54. Dr. Wendy Doughty’s lecture was very fun, informative and interactive! She got the whole audience involved in the presentation, which is impressive for a 9:00 AM class. During her talk I realized that I most likely make more than half of those common mistakes. She provided great exercises and tips to get you warmed up, relaxed, confident and ready to give a talk. I will definitely take her advice into consideration the next time that I give a presentation or go into an interview. First impressions are huge when trying to get a job and to get people to respect you. Thanks for the great tips!

  55. I really enjoyed the lecture from Dr. Wendy Doughty. She showed us how to give a successful presentation in different perspectives. She provided useful information in detail, and maybe we even did not notice. Now, I know when i stressful I should breath.

  56. Dr. Wendy Doughty's lecture was very fun, interactive and yet informative. She set out a great example with her own speech that she presented, showing that you can have fun but also get the point across of what you are presenting. She also informed us of mistakes while public speaking and how to improve. I really enjoyed her tips such as: wear red to an interview, and don't play with your hair or jewellery while speaking. Hopefully I will be able to improve my public speaking with these tips! Thank you!

  57. Awesome presentation by Dr. Doughty! I had heard great things about her ability to make students feel at ease with presentations and also that she gives tips on how to deal with common issues surrounding public speaking. This was all highly useful since I have very limited experience in public speaking and usually am panicking the entire time leading up to the presentation and somewhat during it.

    Thank you Dr. Doughty!

  58. Dr. Wendy Doughty's presentation was a blast. she was extremely focused on her topic, and lecture was delivered in a fun, simple, and exciting way. she shared many tips that i will carry with me forever-a great asset to have! i did not knew that the first think people look is "you shoes." I am Surprised, but it is convincing. i was a great lecture for me as i usually tend to avoid public speaking because i get really nervous, but thanks to Dr. Doughty for sharing tips with us, and giving us recipes to follow to be a successful public speaker, and presenters.

  59. I really enjoyed Wendy's talk! She was so captivating and informative, but also very humorous, which I find is so difficult to incorporate in a speech. I was so impressed! Her tips about projecting your voice I also found very helpful, as I normally am very quiet. I am definitely going to use those tricks of hers before I give my next speech!

  60. Dr.Wendy Doughty's lecture on Friday was one of those lectures in university that I won't forget! She was a strong public speaker and gave us lots of interesting examples about some mistakes that we would made during a public speech. I really like the part that she presented about some different mistakes made by female and male which reminded me that I have made some same mistakes before when i did my speech. I am going to use those tricks of hers before i give my next speech.

  61. Wendy's lecture is absolutely fantastic. With an emphasis on a collection of common errors that we are likely to make during a public speech, she clearly illustrated to us how to effectively avoid making those mistakes. Albeit tiny, each seemingly insignificant detail should by no means be ignored while preparing for a formal presentation. When being asked to give a public speech, it is of great importance for us to keep in mind that we should always leave people a positive impression, however, behaviours like playing with the sleeve or pushing glasses back and forth can definitely ruin the confident image that we have built. To be honest, I believe no one has the understanding that even what do a person's shes look like can make a difference. On a personal note, as being a non-native english speaker, I always feel nervous about having a public speech in english...however, having been introduced to the method of eliminating the sense of anxiety, I am pretty sure that I can do better next time.

    Duo Zhi

  62. The lecture by Dr. Doughty is so much fun, and I learned a lot from it! I used to be afraid of giving public speeches. After the lecture, I know how to be calm and confident myself and how to let the audience to know that you are calm and confident when giving public speeches. What's more, I learned that how my gestures will affect the audience and make them think what am I doing. All in all, to give a successful speech is to wear properly, act naturally and speak loudly!

  63. I had so much fun in Dr.Dought's class. I was always expecting someone someday will teach me how to give a great presentation. Yet, she did much more than I asked for. She went into so much details that I never noticed about. Details can affect the entire presentation. Furthermore, she taught us how to relax our body to give a comfortable performance. Never notice the lip, which is the most important tool!! Also, now I know how to deal with situation calmly. Thinking or reading prepared notes while having my finger under the chin. What a deep thinking pose! I love her lesson!

  64. Dr. Doughty gave us a very wonderful speech last friday.She makes speech so interesting .Also I got a lot skills about speech.
    1.Using a facial expression and body language to make your opinions and ideas more clearly for people to understand.
    2.Speakers have to talk loudly to make audience heared.While this kind of loud can be a little different from it in normal way.Usually we say it in Chinese voice should come from "dan tian" where Dr.Doughty asked us to put hand on .
    It is really an useful speech to make us undersood how to make a good speech .

  65. Dr.Doughty's lecture made me consider public speaking from a physiological perspective, which I had never before done. The advice on psychological aspects of public speaking was more a reminder of useful tips I'd heard before, but the physiological aspect was something entirely new, and much more useful, as it dictates no change in mental state to implement.

  66. I'm glad that Wendy's presentation was so entertaining. She presented her important information in a fun, entertaining way but also very educational. I always get nervous when I speak in front of an audience so I will remember her tips on how to stay calm and collected. Also I never really though how much my appearance and dress affects how people view me.
    Now I will know to use gestures appropriately and have the volume of my voice under control!

  67. I attend a volunteer orientation yesterday, soon I realized the presentator is shaking his weight on his hip. :) Ha, I know his secret: he is nervous. That is tips I have learned from Dr. Wendy's lecture. It is a wonderful experience to listen her speech. She remind us dressing properly will give people good first impression, including comfortable dressing and shoes. She also suggest more "do" and "don't" during public speech. like shaking hip is kind annoying to audience, plus showing up your unconfident. Her tips about physical stretching and mouth warming up exercise will definitely being used for my next time presentation. Wendy's lecture prove how a public speech could impress people and make her/his lecture unforgettable!

  68. Friday's lecture was very unexpected but very entertaining! I've practiced projecting my voice in a class before but that was in a drama class - that made sense. As Dr. Doughty spoke to the class I felt like everything she said was directed right at me. Yikes! I have a lot to learn about public speaking. I'm hoping that this class will help me to feel more confident speaking in front of people. In all honesty, I've done quite a bit of public speaking in my life but it hasn't yet helped me to become any less nervous. Hopefully this class will help me to discover where I'm going wrong so I can be as captivating as Dr. Doughty was on Friday!

  69. Pointing out all of the mistakes that we make while giving speeches was very helpful, some of the things seem like second nature so you don't even realize you're doing them. Friday's lecture was very enjoyable overall.

  70. Dr. Doughty's presentation about presentations (how very meta) was extremely well-delivered and informative, and she shared a plethora of helpful tips that I will continue to use throughout the rest of my life. I especially enjoyed her hilarious performance of what not to do during a speech, as well as her preparatory exercises for a speech. I will definitely wear red to all future job interviews!

  71. That was the most interesting class I've ever had! One of my friends was sick on that day, and I told her that she really missed something meaningful and fun. What's more, we got information about how we should and shouldn't behave when doing presentatio. For example, do not keep apologising when we are giving public speaking, do a deap breath before go to the stage and other specific thing for males and females. I will try to remember these when doing my next presentation. Thank you!!

  72. Dr. Doughty's presentation was fun. I learned many new things. Now, I know what I should and should not do while doing a presentation. I have so many of those bad habits that she was talking about and I will try to work on them for my next presentation.

  73. Wendys talk had a lot of useful information about public speaking and ways to help as a speaker to give the speech. Standing up and actually getting us to do the exercises really showed me how much better they can make your posture, and your voice with projecting so everybody can hear you. Learned a lot from the speech, thanks Wendy!

  74. Wearing red to an interview, now I know!!!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Wendy's lecture was full of very helpful information and tips for me as I am very nervous about public speaking! On top of that, it was so entertaining and captivating that the information was easily stuck into my brain. Presenting in the ways that she did made something that could be boring much much more exciting

  77. Doing those exorcises took me back to my younger days in grade school. Fun and refreshing compared to other university classes. Thinking about it I tend to pace back and forth when i speak in public. Now I know - No fidgeting! Oh, and red. I'll have to get some red.

  78. A fun change from the usual lecture style. Very interactive and enthusiastic speaker, she was a great choice to guest lecture. She's awesome at grabbing attention, funny and keeps the audience on their toes. Wendy thought of some great presentation tips that I would have never thought about! I definitely need to work on my fidgeting and projection

  79. Wendy is a fantastic public speaker! She had some really great tips and did a truly amazing job presenting to us. Her poses that she showed us when presenting really opened my mind to just how important your personal presentation is when lecturing. Also, she went into great detail and taught me many things that I had never even thought of before. I realized that I make many of those common errors and thanks to her lecture they have been brought to my attention and I can finally fix them properly.

  80. Interesting stretched and warm up activities she showed us. I can imagine myself jumping around and making funny faces in a corner before having to do any public speaking!

  81. extremely useful many things like the first thing that is noticed is the shoes kind of surprised me cause i always tat it was the cothing you wear and wearing Red especially shocked me cause I tat red was the least professional color..some of the informtion was very useful and opened my eyes as some of the things wendy said I do when I am nervous.

  82. This w=has been my favourite lecture of the year so far. Learned lots about dealing with the nerves of public speaking. Was a little embarrassed when I realized I was doing some of the signs that Dr. Doughty meantioned, but its good to recognize my own faults! Will be using what I learned in this lecture to help with my future goals.

  83. her speech was probably one of the more enjoyable classes this year. The way she got the class to interact and participate in her speech and the little tips like the chin move really made her presentation informative, innovative and really made us remember what she said. If you watched way she presented you also learned some tips that could be applied depending on your audience and subject matter.

  84. I really enjoyed this class. I am very nervous when it comes to public speaking so I will definitely use these tools to help me. I was also happy to hear that meditation can help reduce blushing while nervous, so I look forward to trying that as well.

  85. I have to say,wendy's lecture really wake me up in the morning,and the indormation she was trying to deliver can be really helpful in the future for us,not only for academic purpose or jobs.the imagination strategy (throw a ball) is really useful to me, since my voice is low and I really want to speak louder.

  86. Today, I talked to a professor about my courses and my future plan. At first, I'm very very nervous that I can hardly think . But I did what Dr. Doughty taught us before the appointment. Amazing, we have a successful conversation.Dr. Doughty's lecture was really helpful!

  87. Dr. Doughty showed us how to keep our nerves calm and have fun when speaking in public. i never realized how obvious it is when you are fidgeting in front of a room with 200 people in it. i will make sure to use her 'techniques' for loosening up next time I need to speak to a group of people.

  88. I had so much fun during Dr. Doughty's lecture. I took so many useful notes on how to improve my public speaking. I know I am not the best public speaker and a large portion of improvement will come with time and practice, getting comfortable being in-front of people, but i really like the little things, the "quick fixes" I can do to make myself seem more presentable. I think it is so cool the the first thing people notice is a speakers shoes... because I really like shoes and this gives me a reason to go and buy some nice ones :p. Anyways, thank you Dr. Doughty for the presentation and thank you Jess for bringing her in.

    PS - The stretching tip was my favorite.

  89. Wendy's lecture was amazing. The exercises were great and I enjoyed them especially since they were pretty tame for me since I normally do crazy warm up games in my other jobs to get enthusiastic about working. After her lecture I started noticing more and more when presenters weren't confident or enthusiastic about what they were presenting, it really does make the difference between a good speech and a bad one.

  90. In my opinion, the reason Wendy's presentation was so inspiring/interesting was because of her energy level. You can tell she loves what she does, and is thence really good at her job.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Dr. Doughty was an impressively energetic speaker! I think that most of us already knew about some of the things she discussed, such as refraining fidgiting with our hair, clothing, and accessories while delivering a presentation. However, this was the first time I have heard of pre-presentation EXERCISES! I'm going to try them next time I present something. I hope no one sees me wiggling my chin around. That would be awkward!

  93. I'm doing my e-portfolio and I have to add how crazy Dr.Doughty's lecture was, one I'll never forget!

  94. Dr. Doughty was very impressive. She was so energentic and engaging with the students. She made us laugh, and I'm a true believer that if you can make someone laugh during your presentation, it's so much better! Good job Dr. Doughty!
