Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Twitter Alias Spreadsheet

Can everyone please find their name on the following spreadsheet (it's a google doc) and fill in the column with your twitter alias? I would like to cross-reference this with my information.

You can also access the google doc here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjsIVysTrCWkdGZjR1ZmRUxMdmJ3TThyQzRIbTg4Wnc&hl=en_US#gid=0

If you can fill this in by the end of Friday's online class (9:50am), that would be very helpful.




  1. How do we fill this in?

  2. I wasn't able to access the spreadsheet through Jess's blog. I had to go to twitter and click on the link she has there. Hope that works for you :)

  3. Thanks Cassandra for the tip...I think google is struggling to cope with the sudden influx of students using the spreadsheet!

  4. This is the kind technology that gets me excited. Being able to enlist 100s of people to work on one document. That is cool!!

  5. Can't post on this document and can't save my post on the link you provided...

  6. Greg - it could be because so many people are accessing the doc at the same time. Can you try at another time? If you're still having trouble, e-mail me your twitter alias and I'll cross-reference. Thanks.

  7. Greg - it looks like you've been able to access the google doc now.

  8. Hi Jess, Could you please go over the social media survey again (i.e what website, article(s) to survey)?

  9. Here is my BLOG i created - http://brsmith-ualberta.blogspot.com/
    It is early as i am having my wisdom teeth removed Fri morning.. YAY :S
    I am in Lab D1

  10. http://cassandra-mckenzie.blogspot.com
    Lab D10 with Courtney Hughes

  11. http://far-55.blogspot.com/

    D4 Tuesday with Pamela Bentely

    I am not able to write on the spreadsheet. my username for twitter is arfarzana

  12. whoa I don't remember seeing this on the class blog at all for some reason.

    I hope it is not too late, but my twitter alias is @BrianneCheng since I don't have permission to access the Google Doc
