Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lab: Location and Timing Changes!

To give students more opportunity to put into practise what we talk about in the lectures, we are going to have labs in computer rooms for the remainder of term. From MODULE 3 (that is, the week starting 19th of September) you will be in a computer room for your lab session.

Please look carefully to see where you are going and at what time, some of the labs start a little later or end a little earlier:

Mondays: 2-4pm ECHA L1-250 (no availability on Sept 26) http://www.labs.ualberta.ca/locations/lab.html?building=108&lab=L1-250
(Lab section D1 and D2 are combined!)



(Lab section D3) Lab 1: 2-3pm - CAB 341 http://www.labs.ualberta.ca/locations/lab.html?building=51&lab=341

(Lab section D4) Lab 2: 2:30-4:00 Sept 13 & 20 and then 2-4pm for Sept 27 - Nov 23 --in CAB 331 http://www.labs.ualberta.ca/locations/lab.html?building=51&lab=331 

(Lab section D5 & D6 are combined!) ECHA L1-250

Thursdays - 40 students, 2 labs sections combined (Lab section D7 & D8 are combined)  in ECHA L1-270 for all Thursdays http://www.labs.ualberta.ca/locations/lab.html?building=108&lab=L1-270 except Sept. 15- on that day you will be in the Big 120 station lab L1-350 (http://www.labs.ualberta.ca/locations/lab.html?building=108&lab=L1-350)

1 comment:

  1. What time is the lab on wednesdays and its in ECHA L1-250???
