Friday, November 18, 2011

Lecture 27: E-mail and Professionalism

Today we have Marie-Claude showering us with another great presentation.

(will be see any photos of her cute puppy?!)


  1. I really enjoy the humor that Marie-Claude adds to her presentations. It really makes her lectures fun.

    Today we learned that when writing a professional email it is very important to fill in the subject line with an appropriate phrase. Be specific, but only use about 4 or 5 words to indicate what the email is about.

  2. I am now expecting puppies in today's lecture.
    -Don't disappoint me, MC!

  3. MC makes class very fun to listen to by adding interesting pictures as well as
    Including personal stories. Key things to remember: don't have excuses, selfish, late and don't gossip! Creating an environment for everyone at work to enjoy is very Important in being a professional. Thanks for the lecture!

  4. This lecture is incredibly important, no matter what level of education you have. I've received e-mails from professors that are incredibly unprofessional--students are not the only ones guilty of this! Another tip to add: make sure you attach your file before you send your e-mail, and always send attachments as .pdfs as you never know what operating system the receiver has!

  5. MC brings in a good dose of humor to her lectures, just the right amount to keep the audience interested. Love the powerpoint slide of Her Majesty MC!

  6. It's always interesting to hear stories about Quebecers having troubles getting used to the directness of the English language when they move away. I grew up speaking fluently in French and English in Alberta but I think I still go through this exact problem when writing emails sometimes. Starting an email with "bonjour" is more natural than saying "hello". We say bonjour all the time in French but in English, it's rare that we use "hello". We usually just say "hi" or "hey".

  7. Dearest Marie-Claude

    Great presentation as usual. Vous always manage to make class fun.
    The section on emails is a good reminder. I think we are all guilty of casual emails.

    Merci beaucoup
    Dr. To be Marie-Claude

  8. MC's lecture on professionalism was very useful because we really need to consider how our actions can be translated in the eyes of future employers etc. This can be important when writing emails especially because as MC said, professors work hard to get that type of position and should definitely get the respect they deserve by using their full title rather than their first name in salutation. Showing professionalism also shows maturity and politeness!

  9. I have always believed that how you present yourself speaks volumes on your character. So, how you talk, walk, dress, and hold yourself is a goo representation of yourself, albeit not always true but is a good indication. Whether in an email or private messages, I would always try to type with proper grammar and structure (probably why I did not like twitter at first) even if the other person was very unprofessional. It is actually a little insulting with some of the replies that I get especially if you have written a good email only to get vague, single word answers.

  10. Loved your presentation MC! It's always beneficial to be professional in any situations and forms of communication. You will get the respect you deserve and are readily developing a reputation among the professional world. People are intrigued by people who are professional so it always gives you an advantage. Comprendrez-vous tout le monde? ;)

  11. Great presentation, MC. I think it's really important for us to practice professionalism in email writing starting from now. I also realize I have made some general mistakes while writing emails to profs. I do take things to guaranty sometime and write emails in a casual way. Again, MC did a great job on the presentation.
    I beg you to accept, my most cordial salutation!

  12. MC gave another super awesome presentation! I just love her enthusiasm and always makes it interesting. It was really interesting to see what you should do in situations to make sure you are as professional as possible. It was also really interesting to see how others showed what they took pride in (from hanging laundry to stacking wood).Keeping emails simple, without emoticons and direct is the way to go! Also, its a good idea to address your prof as 'professor' ior 'Dr.' They deserve the recognition! :)

  13. That was a wonderful presentation MC. I can relate to a lot of the ideas presented today because I have held management positions before and have had to deal with excuses, lateness and general unprofessionalism. It would be refreshing if everyone could adopt a better attitude and stop believing the world revolved around them, however, everyone is unique and some degree of tolerance is needed in order to let people grow into a professional individual. Some aspects of being professional is about growing up and experiencing things for ones self. MC your presentation was definitely not harsh it was just the facts about life.

  14. I really enjoyed MC's lecture, she always manages to present something meaningful and important but to also make it interesting. The topic of professionalism in email writing is really important, I think there is a time and a place for casual writing, but you really need to recognize the appropriate time. I also think tone leads to the greatest complications of misunderstanding in an email. Although you write a message with one intention, it may be interpreted another way by the reader, so make sure your meaning is clear.

  15. I also enjoyed Marie-Claude's lecture. It's really easy to lose sight of being professional when you're behind an e-mail, but it's also so important, especially if you're e-mailing someone like a professor or future employer. I will always remain professional now, especially at school in an academic setting. I want to come off as professional, intelligent and respectful.

    Thank you again for the presentation Marie-Claude! You always know how to add humour to a presentation to make it more interesting, however you always get your main points across clearly, too!

  16. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us Marie-Claude! It is interesting to hear different perspectives on the English language. I took some French throughout school, and I noticed they had "proper/formal" forms, but I never really considered why English does not.

    I think professionalism is also of utmost importance. Email should be an advantageous tool to use, but must be utilized in a good manner. I think some take advantage of email because it seems less formal, however it is just as important to be clear, and concise as if you were talking in person.

    Keep up the exciting lectures-I think we all enjoy it!

  17. Today in lecture Marie-Claude not only informed us on the importance of acting in a professional manner but also gave an ideal example of an effective presentation.
    I agree with MC that professionalism requires practice. It isn't difficult but it does need attention to details. Acting in a professional manner in the necessary situations will become second nature with practice.

  18. I love Marie-Claude's presentations! It is so refreshing coming to class on freezing cold wintery day such as this and actually leave with a smile on my face because I was just laughing while learning! As convenient as technology is there are so many downfalls! Specifically Email and text messaging! Our means of communication is so much easier but it comes at a cost! It can be very difficult to create an email for example without tone in order to keep it professional! You never know how someone is going to interpret your words and since it is not in person you can not see their reaction so we must always be careful about what we say!

  19. great presentation like always;).. It was like an eye opener lecture for me as I have forgotten how to professional write an email, just cause of all the abbreviations that are used now a days (texting, tweeting or chatting on facebook or msn)... Useful info.. learn something new from this class..

    P.S. MC your puppy is sooooo cute:...

  20. I always love Marie-Claude's presentations.Feel sorry that I'm late this morning because of the snow. But luckily, when I came into our classroom this morning, MC just started her presentation on email.

    I got clear points this morning especially in terms of formal email style. She taught us how to add our signsture or name in the bottom of an email. Really appreciate. It was amazing to listen to her own experience and examples she posted. Learned a lot!!Thank you so much~~

  21. MC's presentations are always interesting and captivating (partly because of her puppy), but nonetheless always useful! She pointed out great tips that one should always keep in mind, in order to convey professionalism. Although it's my fourth year, I still feel as though many of my collegues could learn a thing a two from this lecture. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I hate seeing abbreviations and slang words in emails, like "da"for the, and "wid" for with. It's not MSN messenger.

  22. Her lecture is always excitin, fun and informative. I was captivated by her presentation today. Her presentation today was very useful and good to know the manner!!

  23. Another awesome presentation today from MC. Professionalism is very important and should always be maintained. It's never good to give the impression that you are being disrespectful to anyone. I never considered how professional varies between cultures. Interesting to hear about her transition from Quebec to Alberta. I'm glad she showed us how to edit our signatures for our emails. It's always good to have your information there and not have to repeat it every time.

  24. I really love the power point presentation from MC. Her presentation is very condense and make me do not want to sleep.Using name to address the recipient is very important to show your polite.

  25. Great presentation from M.C today. The translations from French to English sounded quite funny. I liked the picture of the puppy with the caption "Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't" Reminds me of my dog whenever he does something bad, they always know when they've been up to no good! What M.C was actually showing was poor behaviour. It is always best to own up to your mistakes, instead of trying to pass it on to someone else.

  26. Learned more on professionalism, thanks to MC's lecture today. When you're in a professional environment, what comes to my mind is that you should be polite, respectful and a good work ethic. To act professional is to work on the details starting with how you address a professional and with writing emails. It's important to note that profs, for example, will pay attention to your email and give you a good response if you're email address consist of your real names (and numbers should be okay), having a specific subject line, an appropriate salutation, a brief and concise body, a closing line and signature, preferably with your info contact and position. I find that writing an email is like writing a professional letter, pay attention to grammar/spelling errors and never EVER use sms language, leave that to your personal life.

    Naomi Porciuncula

  27. Professionalism in an email encompasses a lot of aspects, depending on who you are sending an email to there are many guidelines to follow. Probably the most important one is a specific subject line so that your email actually is read and is not mistaken for spam or just non-important. Of course, grammar is vital. We're taught that on the first day of school! Overall, MC had a great presentation.

  28. Once again a great presentation by MC! Her presentations are always so engaging and entertaining. I loved the photos where the road pavement worker simply went around the tree instead of moving it to make a straight line. That shows just how lazy and unprofessional some people can be. I also enjoyed the bad email name examples. I still have my email from when I was in elementary school, but I definitely would not use that for a professional email or put the email on my resume. In my opinion, if I were a professional receiving an email from "" I would just think that it was junk mail and delete it. And who can resist those puppy photos!

  29. I guess I'm going to have to delete my email account... I totally agree with MC about the need to have a professional email. I sometimes have to go through volunteer applications at my job and contact them. When I see a particularly ridiculous email addresses, it definitely gives me the impression that the volunteer may not be particularly professional.

  30. Another fantastic presentation by Marie-Claude. The puppy photo was extremely cute and the road-work (line painting) one was also pretty funny. MC kept the attention of the class with humor in the right places and the overall presentation was actually very interesting (a lot of pictures, which is very helpful when presenting early in the morning. They are a great attention grabber).

  31. The part of MC's presentation that I found especially interesting was her description of the difficulty in maintaining professionalism across cultures and languages. In the past, I have felt very nervous when presenting myself in front of people from across the world or just with significantly different backgrounds from myself. I notice how quickly I can take disliking to the way a person attempts to write or talk professionally to me in school or at work. I am a relatively open-minded person, so I can only imagine the impression I would make on an extremely strict person of another culture when I can't communicate with proper professionalism in their eyes.

  32. I really enjoyed MC's presentation, it was extremely useful. I've always had trouble addressing the name of the person, especially when I had to email my professors because I am not sure what they want to be called. It is also interesting to see the differences between English and French. I didn't know they are so different even though both of them are the official languages in Canada. Thank you for your presentation MC.

  33. My T.A. Marie-Claude did another awesome presentation! I loved all the humor she added which made it very easy to relate. What I found most interesting is that people still use their old hotmail accounts. When your e-mail address is very inappropriate you should definitely change it to something more suitable such as your full name. Just an e-mail can change your first impression to someone from good to bad, so you must think of the situation you are applying for and make it professional. Thanks again Marie-Claude for making an interesting presentation!

  34. MC is such a good speaker. She is always so funny and really lets her personality shine through in her presentations. Learning how to send professional emails is a vedry important tool, I think, that needed to be learned. I have always thought that I sent pretty professional emails, but there is so much more that I learned about it! For example, addressing the person by their title is important rather than just their first name.

    Also, having a relevant and appropriate email address is important, rather than something you made as a child, or a nickname. Good emails are often first inital and last name, or full names. It appears much more professional and mature than something childish.

  35. Because of this practice, I find a fitness club named "My fitness kitchen".It was such an amazing organization! They have the theory to combine both diet and exercise to form a healthy well-shaped body. I wrote the manager a letter, asked for more details about the company. I wish I could give some contribution since I am studying Food and Nutrition right now. I believe it can be a prefect place for me to stay and work. As a formal letter, I divided the message into 4 paragraphs with self-introduction,the reason I am interested in the "My fitness Kitchen", the wish that I could work as a memeber in it and finally ask more info. I am looking forward to his reply! So excited!!!

  36. These lectures on email etiquette have been very helpful. I have lots of experience in sending professional emails because I worked in an office for a long time. Even still I always felt unsure when I was sending emails to profs or TA's on the level of professionalism expected. Now I know I should be just as professional and courteous as I was when I was sending emails to clients or my bosses.

  37. Very enjoyable lecture on Friday!
    Information on email etiquette is very helpful for me because I've applied for a lot of jobs over the internet. Also I'm pretty bad for sending hilariously informal/casual emails that may not be well recieved.
    I think I'm gonna change my hotmail account to a non silly name...
    Thanks MC

  38. I said the same thing on Twitter, but I found MC's presentation to be very eye-opening for me. Generally, I would consider myself to be very professional in terms of my relationships with the academic staff at the U of A, especially in emails and meetings; however, there were lots of concerns MC raised that I realized I - as a student - contribute to. Thanks for the crash course on communication, MC (ahem, "Your Majesty"), I will truly be making use of it every day from here on in.

  39. I'm really glad we're learning how to write proper, formal emails for potential future employment positions since email seems to be the 'go-to' form of communication in our busy lives nowadays. This form of a first impression is very important as people can interpret what was written differently .. allowing no room for misinterpretation of your email is vital when applying for a job. Thanks for the info!

  40. I have always enjoyed MC's lecture, she explains ideas very clearly using real life example which gives emotions and brings life. I was very touched by many of her example as it was similar to my cultural values as well. She refreshed many tips about writing a professional emails, some of which, i am guilty of taking it for granted. However, after this lecture, I am very cautious when i send emails or read emails. The key elements of a professional email include a proper subject line, signature, addressing the recipient by their highest tittle, which shows your respect for them. MC's lecture is very important and it definitely will help me when write/send emails to potential employers and communicate with my professors.

  41. Excellent presentation by MC! I found it not only to be funny but also very true! I think everyone at one time or another has either experienced disrespect or has shown it. I believe that everyone has worked hard in their lives to get where they are and that one should never make assumptions about anyone! You clearly stated your firm beliefs in this and I think that's a great value you hold and you will be very successful with that attitude. It was funny when you were telling us of your "over politeness" when moving over from Quebec. No wonder they say Canadians are so polite! I had a friend that moved from Quebec City and its definitely a funny thing how two cultures from the same country can be so different! I just wanted to thank you for your great presentation so thank you:) <--- oops I just had too!
