Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lecture 1: Introductions

Module 1 Lecture 1

A bit more about CSL:
Community Service-Learning (CSL) makes learning come alive by linking academic course work to community-based experiences. Active engagement with non-profit organizations allows students to explore relationships between course concepts and ‘real world’ contexts. When enrolled in a CSL class, students participate in a community project that is both relevant to the course content and useful to the partnering organization.

By completing a number of courses with a CSL component, including our CSL-designated courses, students can earn a Certificate in Community Service-Learning upon graduation

CSL Partners for our ALES204 Class:

Voices for Choices

Alberta Caregivers Association

InfoLink Academic and Information Services

At InfoLink we strive to be a comprehensive student information source for all things university related. We specialize in academic information but are able to assist with any campus related question; if we don’t know the answer, we’ll find someone who does! By exploring this website you’ll be able to access our Tutor Listings,Exam RegistryVolunteer Opportunity ListingsUsed Book ListingsHousing Listings and our Rideboard Listings. Students who participate in this term's CSL placement will be able to assist in the promotion of our annual Involvement Week, which is a celebration of volunteering, and the new SU Tutors program, which aims to provide tutors with the skills and resources that they will need to help their fellow students succeed. 

Writers Guild of Alberta

Nichole Quiring, the program coordinator for the Writers Guild of Alberta is looking for a CSL student to assist with a few tasks related to administering Alberta Arts Days events (Sep 30 – Oct. 2). This would include attending the events and helping with hosting and marketing the events through Twitter and Facebook. As well, there are three events coming up in November and December that a CSL student could assist with planning and coming up with a small Social Media marketing plan for each event. Lastly, we could also use a little help in updating the Guild’s media contact list.  

Sustain U

SUSTAIN SU is a service of the Students' Union that provides peer-to-peer learning and support for all undergraduate students to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of their university experience.  This includes providing sustainability-based services to the entire campus community, as well as opportunities to facilitate change on a larger scale.  SUSTAIN SU defines sustainability as a decision-making process and lifestyle that balances economic, social, and environmental responsibility in a just and equitable manner.

As a CSL student with SUSTAIN SU, you will aid in communicating our organization's recent redevelopment from the Environmental Coordination Office of Students (ECOS) to SUSTAIN SU: The Student Sustainability.  You will have much creative control over how you do this, but you will have access to our website and social media sites as possibilities.

Important Tasks and Due Dates for CSL Students:

Teaching Assistants:
This term there are 6 TAs who will be running your lab sessions. They have each written an introductory blog post too - have a look:

Homework due before next class (Friday September 9th):

Go to the class blog, find my post for Module One, Lecture One (this one!) and in the comments section write a short blurb introducing yourself and your current use of social media. Include any links to blogs or other online presence that you would like to share.
Join Twitter and follow me: @JessL


  1. Hi, my name is Bailey Smith. I am in my final semester at the U of A, in Animal Sciences specializing in animal nutrition. Currently, my experiences and use of social media are limited; I have a Facebook account and, as required, I am now a new member of Twitter. However, I am also an active member of a few internet based conversation boards on rodeo, barrel racing and related topics, if that counts? I look forward to learning, and experiencing more about social medias.

  2. My name is Marissa McNeelands and I am in my third year in Nutrition and Food Science, minoring in Physical Activity. I currently use social media tools like Facebook and blogger in order to share experiences, ideas, and events in my areas of interest. You can check out my blog at - it has been used as a tool for organizing my goals, accomplishments and things I find to be inspiring or motivational when it comes to long distance running. Other than that, I look forward to learning how to use Twitter and other social media tools.

  3. Hi. My name is Madeleine Bosnyak. I am in Nutrition and Food Science. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from the U of A, so this is my second time around. Right now the only social media that I use daily would be Twitter and Facebook. I don't have a blog, but I will soon be starting one for this class which will be a new experience for me. I would have to say that Twitter is my favourite social media site right now, just because you can see what people are saying and thinking all over the world as opposed to just your "friends" with Facebook. I think that it will be interesting to have a more hands on approach with this class and explore all other sorts of social media.

  4. My name is Kalin Herbach and I am beginning my second year with the faculty of ALES. I hope to major in Nutrition and eventually become a Registered Dietitian. I currently use certain types of social media to connect with other individuals and to convey my thoughts and ideas. Facebook is my main social media tool, and I also use my University of Alberta email frequently. Although I do not yet have my own site, I regularly visit other individual's blogs. I find them beneficial in helping me find yummy vegetarian recipes and educating me on related topics. I look forward to learning more in this area and becoming a member of other social media tools.

  5. My name is Rachael Adams and I just transferred to the U of A from Grant MacEwan. I am beginning my first year in Animal Sciences. The social media that I use now is Facebook. Facebook helps me stay connected to my friends and helps me get connected with different groups and organizations around the world. I have just signed up on twitter, so I will have to see how it works. I do not have my own blog yet, but I have read a few blogs on the internet.

  6. My name is Lisa Allen and I am currently in the last semester of my third year. My major is Family Ecology and I am minor is Community Diversity. My social media experiences include Facebook, e-mail (i.e. ualberta, gmail, hotmail and yahoo), and I did use Blogger in my high school Social Studies class. I am interested in learning about other social media like Twitter because we use it and Facebook where I work to update customers on new merchandise we have brought in. These are fast and efficient ways of keeping people up to date on what stock we currently have and when we receive more.

  7. Hey I'm Steph Tilley, a second year in the Nutrition major! The only social media site that I use on a regular basis is Facebook, however I do have a twitter account as of today!
    I'm looking forward to learning about the correct and incorrect ways to use social media for professional purposes since it will probably affect all of us in this way very soon.
    Social media is a very important platform for advertising and promotion I feel it will become more and more key in public health campaigns and other health related endeavours in the future.

  8. Hi my name is Kelvin Wong. I am a 4th year undergraduate student at the U of A majoring in Nutrition and Food. As for social media experiences, I've been through many phases, including nexopia, edmontononline, facebook, & twitter. Currently i am only involved, or trying to get a good grasp on, is twitter. I started twitter recently, due to work and now school, but I really don't mind it. I find it is a fun and a unique type of social media to not only express whats going on in your life, but a great way to connect yourself in the outside world other than with your friends.

  9. Hi my name is David Ellery and I am a 2nd year transfer student at the U of A. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Environmental Science degree majoring in Land Reclamation. Before coming to Edmonton I earned my Journeyman certificated by completing the Landscape Gardener Apprenticeship program at Olds College. My exposure to social media is limited to a travel blog I had in 2003-2004 while a travelled the globe, and a Facebook account which I check a couple times a week. I have now joined up with twitter and you can follow me @DavidEllery. I am hoping to learn more about the social media craze, and also how to effectively use these tools.

  10. Hi, my name is Coleman Brinker. I am in my 3rd year of Forestry at the U of A and I am on the varsity wrestling team here at the university. Facebook is the only social media I have had regular experience with. I look forward to discovering more about how to get the best use out of other potential social media outlets. Much of my summer work has been in the forest, so my computer experience is often limited to spreadsheets, GPS programs, and emailing. There is definitely a lot for me to learn. I believe that social media will continue to play a larger and larger role in our lives, so learning more about it in this class could be very useful in the future.

  11. Hello Jessica. My name is Xi Chen and you can call me Hillary in class. I'm a new immigrant from China. I came here last August with my parents. I'm in Faculty of Agriculture, Bsc Animal Health program. I'm actually not a fan of social media and besides the Twitter ( I just signed up), I'm used to MSN. My MSN account is

  12. Hi I am Mareli Kemp and I am in my third year Nutrition and Food Science but just starting the Nutrition major this year. As far as social media goes Facebook would be the one that I use most frequently but I also enjoy looking at blogs as it is a way to ‘connect’ with people with similar interests.

  13. Hello My name is Ninfa Garay, I am in my third year of Nutrition and Food Science. I also finished a bachelors in Biological Sciences from Campus St. Jean (the French faculty at U of A) last year. The only social media that I really use is Facebook and as of today, Twitter. Sometimes I follow the VeganYumYum blog because I am vegan and there are a lot of really good recipes on there. I'm excited to be taking this class and eager to learn more about the different ways we can communicate through social media.

  14. Hey! My name is Hilary Whiting and I'm a 4th year Animal Science Major! I am one of the many hopeful kids who wants to get into Vet school: third application is the charm right? The only really online presence I have is facebook ( since I find that I barely have time to check my emails, let alone really surf or socialize online. Call me old fashioned but I find that face to face is the way to go (except for texting for convenience of course!). Look forward to meeting everyone I haven't gotten a chance to say 'Hi' to yet.

  15. Hello. My name is Sydney Bennell. I am in Nutrition and Food . I am on Facebook, but rarely use it. As of today, I am now a new twitter user. I am not big on blogs but I do love (may or may not be the best music blog out there).
    I used wordpress for my job at folk fest this summer.

  16. Hi, my name is Laura Gruber. I am a fourth year student in Animal Sciences. My use of social media is very limited. I have a facebook account but use it quite rarely. I mostly use it to keep in touch with friends and family that do not live in Edmonton.

  17. Hey! My name is Dana Zalys, and I am in my second year in Nutrition and Food Science. The real only sources of social media I use are limited to facebook, and the use of email occasionally (mostly for school related things).I am also brand new to twitter, and will hopefully get the hang of it soon!

  18. Hi! My name is Filmon Tzeggai and I am in my 3rd year of Animal Science. I am hoping to get into vet school. I just got a twitter account about 5 minutes ago, and I have facebook that I frequently visit. That is pretty much it!

  19. HI I am Yunyan LI, and I am a second year student. I am not sure wether I am going to stick on my program which is Land Reclamation or transfer to another program. I am not a big fan on social media but I do check my facebook and post stuff once a while. I used to use my quit a lot but not anymore. I hope I can get to know how to use twitter soon.

  20. Hi, my name is Julie Reimer. I am currently in my second year of Animal Health, majoring in Companion and Performance Animals. My current use of social networking is very limited, as I only have a Facebook account. I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family as well as to join various groups and get information about them. As of today, I will also have Twitter, and I look forward to looking forward how to use it.

  21. Hi, my name is Lindsay Wilderman and I am in my second year. My major is in nutrition, it is a field that I am very excited to be part of. As far as social networking goes, Facebook is the only site I actually use (I am constantly on it). I expect this class will drastically broaden my very, very limited social media knowledge.

  22. Hello! My name is Juianna Damer and I am a fourth year student in Human Ecology majoring in Clothing & Textiles and minoring in Design & Product Development. I am an avid social media user. I believe it's a great way to share my work with others, great for networking and simply fun. I currently use facebook, twitter (@juliannadamer), Tumblr ( and Flickr (
    I thought I was dreaming when I saw the syllabus today. I cannot wait to learn more about one of my favourite things: social media.

  23. My name is Amanda Leong. I am currently pursuing my second degree in BSc. (Nutrition). I had a very exciting summer in rural El Salvador on a humanitarian mission. In terms of popular social media, I am a user of Facebook and Twitter(@a_yl), though the latter is used relatively infrequently. I would love to see the new beta social media program Google has come out with, Google+. However, I have not yet received an invitation to use it. The blog by Mars Dorian is quite interesting and entertaining to read: .

  24. Hi, My name is Brian Walker. I am in my second year studying nutrition. I almost never use social media. I use facebook maybe once a week to message friends but that is about it.

  25. Hey my name is Kylie McLean and I am a second year student here at the UofA with nutrition major and human ecology minor. I am a frequent user of facebook but just visited twitter for the first time today. (follow me at @Ky_McLean ). I have been avoiding twitter but ALES204 is forcing me to face it straight on. As I continue my degree and move into the professional world social media will be an important source of information and an outlet to raise awareness of the vital role nutrition plays in our lives. Thank you ALES 204 for taking me out of the dark ages and introducing me to twitter and blogging.

  26. Hello, I'm Jocelyn Shulhan, a second year Nutrition major student. This class will certainly unveil a ton of information about social media for me as I currently only have a sparsely populated Facebook account.

    Producing, analyzing and conveying comprehensive forms of communication is important to the study of nutrition as with all other studies. I'm looking forward to exploring various social media systems and their benefits, and hopefully make use of those tools in future projects.

  27. Hi, my name is Erin Loogman and I am in my second year of Animal Health. I am frequently on facebook, but have no experience with blogging, or other types of social media, such as Twitter which I just signed up for today. (@e_loogman) I am looking forward to learning more about social media and how it can be used in a professional manner.

  28. Hi, my name is Aimee Kapeta. I am second year Nutrition and food science. I actualy deactivated my facebook account 2 weeks ago, so I can focus on school. lol Facebook has been the only social media I use to stay in touch with friends. I will have to reactivate my account today, and I will try to be a little positive about it and enjoy this class and learn to use social media in a productive way!:)

  29. Hi, my name is Caylee Gaylard. I am a second year Nutrition and Food Science major, but a first year here at the UofA. I just signed up for Twitter so follow me @cayleeg12! and I use Facebook regularly. I look forward to learning more about social media and how to use it in a professional manner:)

  30. Hey there, my name is Jen Kuta. I am a second year Human Ecology major. Unfortunately, I am pretty technologically inept, and this has limited my experience with social media. I currently have a facebook account, and as of today, a twitter account (@jen_kuta). I have always been interested in social media and creating a voice for myself via the technological world but have not had the motivation (too lazyyy) to learn about it on my own. I look forward to learning more about this topic. This class looks pretty interesting! :) Stoked!

  31. Hi, my name is Sydney Ross and I am a third year student in the Human Ecology program. I have explored many different mediums of social media (e.g., Tumblr, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn...) but I am currently only a member of Facebook. Social media has become an integral part of the lives of millions of individuals and I look forward to learning more about it and using its many different forms to improve my communication skills.

  32. Hello! I'm Amy Kachurowski. This is my last year of my BSc in Animal Science. I should be excited right? I am, but I've also decided to become a professional student. So, I'm looking forward to many more years of late night coffee runs. Social media huh? Well, I'm routinely on Facebook (aka procrastination central) but I rarely ever use it. Most of my time is spent reading news feeds and mastering the search button. Now, I have twitter (@amykach) we'll see how often I tweet...

  33. Hi everyone,
    I am Angelina Smith. After three years of taking general sciences and bouncing different career ideas in my brain, I have decided to work towards being a dietitian. I am currently in my second year of Nutrition and Food, and hope to enter the Nutrition program next year. I am a member of Facebook, but this is my first time blogging. I didn't know what Twitter was exactly until...well today. I am looking forward to learning more about this type of communication!

  34. Hello! My name is Laura Adam and I am currently a 3rd year Nutrition student here at the University of Alberta. This is my first year in the faculty of ALES as I recently transfered from the faculty of Science. Currently I am on Facebook and follow some cooking and photography blogs through my email. I have not previously been interested in twitter, but as of a few minutes ago-I now have an account! I am looking forward to advancing my skills on different fronts of social media. I also feel these skills will be very useful in the promotion of health once I graduate.

  35. Hello. I have made an attempt once already to post a comment, however I am not positive it went up (another example of my splendid blogging skills) so here is a small backup introduction. My name is Leigh Melligan, I am in second year Animal Health. I spend a fair amount of time (more than I should) on Facebook, but i don't use any other means of social networking that I know of. I hope this course will teach me many things, including how to post a comment!!

  36. My name is Megan Borle and I am starting out the second year of my degree but the first year at the University of Alberta. Since embarking on my second year in nutrition and food science with a major in physical activity has ended me up in AlES 204 my social media participation has almost doubled; I now not only have facebook but, twitter! (@purplie11) I am interested to see the outcome of the class focus towards social medias and technologies; but, mostly I'm excited to try new things and potentially find a new type of social media that may trigger my interests and improve my overall communication.

  37. Hi, I'm Susan Gegolick and I'm just starting my second year in the Nutrition major. I already have a facebook account as well as a dailybooth (@RockyRaccoon). I now have a shiny, new twitter account as well! So feel free to follow me @RockySGRaccoon I think this class has a lot of potential to be helpful and fun. :) Communication with others, whether it be through a social networking site or in person, is a beneficial part of any job. Although I had no interest in twitter until being told to make an account for this class, I'm sure it will broaden my ability to communicate with others so I'm excited to say the least.

  38. Hey, I'm Suzanna Wong and I'm in my second year at U of A. I'm majoring in Food Science and Technology and hopefully minoring in Food Marketing. I have a facebook account that I use quite frequently, but I try to stay off of it during the school year! But now I'll be on it more because of this class I guess! I have a twitter account too, but I haven't really figured out how to use it so I don't go on it often. I just use it to follow the celebrities! I can't wait to keep learning with this class though! =)

  39. Hello, my name is Jamaika Lukac and I'm in the nutrition major. Social media is an important tool for conveying research and information quickly and efficiently. People are educating themselves on the internet about nutrition, and so it makes sense that nutritional professionals should be posting information for the public to see. As for my own internet usage, I prefer good old fashioned email, and now twitter.

  40. Hello! I'm Fallon Gillespie and this is my first year at the University of Alberta and my second year of school altogether. I transferred from Mount Royal University in Calgary where I live. I am in the faculty of ALES in the Human Ecology/ bEd degree program. My dream job is to be a high school foods teacher. I am involved in social media through two major outlets Facebook, and Twitter. I have been on both sites for a couple of years now and have used them for classes dating back to my high school years.

  41. Hello, my name is Nicole Hayday. I'm a third year animal science major, hoping to apply to vet school this year. My current use of social media is facebook and a twitter account(@NicoleHayday). I look forward to expanding my knowledge of communication and media. I'm very excited to get started get to know everyone.

  42. Hi guys! My name is Naomi Porciuncula and I'm in the nutrition and food major. I have been in the social networking world since I was in middle school. I had a nexopia, hi5, asiantown, asianavenue, and friendster but ever since facebook came out I fell in love with it mainly because of the apps and some of its unique features such photo tagging, status updates and the news feed. I think google+ looks exactly like facebook and has nothing new to offer. Go facebook!

  43. Hey everyone, my name is Kaitlyn Jonk and im in my second year of the pre-vet program and will most likely end up transfering into an animal science major after this year. My current use of social media is mostly face book and now through my brand new twitter account (@yonker711)lol. other then that i look at BBC online and use bloggs to sometimes answer various horse related questions i have (i own a horse) i hope to expand my knowledge about avalible social media sites and how they will be useful to my career

  44. Hey, my name is Karissa Frederick and I am in my second year of Bsc Food and Nutrition major. I tranfered here from RDC and really like it so far! I have used before, I use facebook all the time, and just signed up for twitter. This class seems pretty interesting and I am looking forward to learning more and meeting new people. =)

  45. Hi, my name is Xiaoming Jia and in the third year of Nutrition major. My only social media experiences are facebook and sky. Althoug I regular visit some cooking blogs and my friends' blog, I did not have my own's. It will be a good chance for me to explore other social media and brodean the way to communicate with others.
    Media communication will take more and more roles in health professional field, for example, education, advetiseing. It is also a excellent way to reach young generation. I am looking forward to learn all techniques.

  46. Hello, my name is Sarah Spotowski and I am in my fourth year of Human Ecology, with a Textiles and Clothing major and a Museums minor. In terms of social media, my experiences mainly include Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr (the basics), but also extend out to various forums, such as Reddit. I have already taken a few Media Studies classes, and I hope this one adds to my growing knowledge!

  47. Hello, my name is Cori Wyatt and I'm a third year Animal Science major, looking to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine. My current use of social media is Twitter. I am looking forward to learning about social media to help communicate research ideas and to increase my communication options.

  48. Hello. My name is Brody King and I am a second year Agriculture student who is majoring in Animal Sciences. Facebook is currently my big social media action right now. (a it seems to be with almost everyone my age). I just recently set up a twitter account and I look forward to using it. I have helped a few friends with some blogspot stuff before, so I kinda understand this site. I also tend to frequent some of the many videogame blogs on the internet.

  49. Hi! My name is Cara Miller and I am a third year student in the Nutrition and Food Sciences program at the University of Alberta. My end goal is to be a Registered Dietician and Certified Personal Trainer. I love food, sports (either watching or playing!), music and fashion. My current use of social media is pretty minimal; I am currently only on Facebook and Twitter (@miller_cara), although one day I hope to have a blog of my own as well. I love how technology has evolved to allow us to communicate with the entire world and I am very excited to learn about all of the other social media sites that are out there.

  50. Hey, my name is Dana Tostenson I am a third year nutrition student. My current use of social media is Facebook, couldn't even tell you what twitter is, guess im going to have to now! Looking forward to learning more about social media!

  51. Hi there, my name is Angela Komarnicki and i'm a second year ALES student majoring in Nutrition and Food. My current use of social media would include Gmail and Facebook (and now Twitter :P). I use Gmail mostly for informational purposes such as advertisements from certain websites that i sign up on, and of course, for school.Facebook is used for me to communicate with friends and family, which i think is easier than emailing back and forth because i can just chat with them online. Furthermore, i can share and comment on pictures which keeps me updated with the latest events. With Twitter, I'm still learning how to work it!

  52. Hello, my name is Ashley Mu. I am a third year undergraduate in Nutrition and Food. However, I am hoping to enter the Nutrition Major program next year because of my growing interest on becoming a dietitian. Growing up, I have had my fair amount of experiences in the social media but as of now, I am only using Twitter. Since social media is growing and becoming more relevant and useful in society, I am hoping this course will be helpful and teach me skills I can use later on.

  53. Hello! My name is Stephanie Shannon, and I am in second year Animal Health. I recently transferred from University of British Columbia Okanagan, and I am enjoying the switch of faculty of Science to faculty of ALES! At the moment the social media that I use daily would be Facebook and Twitter. I am still new at Twitter, but one thing that I noticed and I like is how you can follow not just your friends, but celebrities and fictional characters! It will be quite interesting to learn the advantages that social media can bring towards others and myself.

  54. Hello,my name is JunchaoZhang,this is the final year for me in food science and nutrition.I'm planning to continue my study in UBC next year.the social media I use currently is just facebook,since I come from China,I'm still learning these new social media.I think it will be fun and exciting to communiate with so many students.

  55. Hello, my name is Stephanie To. I am a second year student with major in chemistry, however I am planning to transfer to nutrition and food major the next fall! So for my current use of social media, I would say facebook! I use it almost everyday and it becomes the most important way for me to share or tell others about my daily life. I have just created an account in twitter and I am really new to it, I hope I will find the interesting part of it soon!

  56. Hi, my name is Lisa Lebsack, this is my second year for food and nutrition; I transferred here from Red Deer. Currently the social media I use is facebook on occassion to just keep in touch with my friends and family back home, just signed up to twitter and that's about all I use.

  57. Hello, my name is Zhe Chen, I`m a fourth year student in Forestry Business Management Program. I come from China, and transferred from ZheJiang Forestry University. I have been Canada for three years, this is my last term here, Yeah! The social media I have now are Facebook and twitter, but I`m still new with them. I think it `s a good start to use them now!

  58. Hello! My name is Cam Parsons. I was just lying in bed, playing around on my phone when I discovered I was supposed to comment here before class in the morning! I am in my second year of my BSc agriculture degree with a major in crop science. I've spent my entire life in a small town about half an hour north of Edmonton, and I am still currently living there. I have been using social media such as Facebook and Twitter for quite some time now. I enjoy how social media allows me to freely express my thoughts at any given moment,and the ability to easily communicate with my peers. I am looking forward to ALES 204, and I believe it will be a very different and exciting experience. Feel free to follow me on twitter: @parsonscam

  59. Hello! My name is Minghua Yu, an International Student from China. You can call me Candi and I think I'm the only Candi in Edmonton! I'm a second year student in major nutrition and food science. Like other Chinese students, I use Renren a lot other than facebook and twitter (it's just a Chinese version of facebook). However, now I realize that there are a lot of other social media techniques! I'll try my best to know them! Oh by the way, my twitter is @Indexyu, somebody just took my "Candi" so that I have to create another name >.<

  60. Salutations! (I felt the need to be different from all those 'hello's) I'm Amy White and some day I'm going to be a veterinarian. I currently begrudgingly use Facebook because all of my friends insist upon it, and I recently made a Twitter account (again at my friends' requests) which I now use to follow interesting things (like Bioware news, huzzah!) and of course @JessL =) I occasionally use StumbleUpon when I have an hour or two to waste, and I love Youtube. I don't know if either of those count, but I'm putting them in anyway. I also have Xbox Live because sometimes playing games by yourself just feels very very lame. Also, like most teens, I text my friends occasionally. (Insert snappy closing line here). Ciao!

  61. Hi there!

    My name is Arisha Seeras. I am a Nutrition and Food major, physical activity minor, in my last year of study at the U of A. I spent most of my life in Mauritius, an island the size of Edmonton, located to the east of Africa. My family and I came to Canada about 5 years ago, and we have been in Edmonton since then. My most frequent social media usage is Facebook, which I use to stay connected with my friends back in Mauritius, as well as here in Edmonton-as we all know, it is not always that easy to keep in touch with every single person you know. I honestly did not think I would ever join twitter, but I finally did! Please feel free to follow me on @areekatz :)

  62. Hello, my name is Lena Seeras. I am in my fourth year of Human Ecology with a major in Clothing and Textiles and a minor in Design and Product Development. I came to Edmonton 5 years ago with my family and I joined the university about three years ago after attending high school for two years. I previously lived in Mauritius, a small island located by Africa.
    I am currently a member of a few social networks such as hi5, Facebook, YouTube amongst others. I use Facebook and hi5 to keep in touch with my friends abroad and I mostly watch music videos on YouTube.
    I am new to Twitter and I am not sure on how it works yet but I am looking forward to learn more about it.

  63. Hey guys! I'm Caroline Kralka and after a couple years of deciding what I want to do with my life, I'm in my third-ish year of Nutrition and Food Science with a Human Ecology major. I'm really interested in nutrition counselling and health promotion, but have this teeny social phobia that makes it hard for me to communicate with people sometimes. Cue ALES 204! This course looks super fun, because I'm already involved in many online communities-I creep Tumblr from time to time, use and abuse Facebook regularly to keep up with my Theta Ladies and other friends (and sometimes just to stalk randoms), was an avid Foursquare member until my Blackberry decided it didn't want me using it's trackpad anymore (grumblegrumble #Iphone5 #WhereAreYou) and I also use Twitter to air my thoughts whenever I don't have my nose smushed into a textbook. If you love rants and rambles like this follow me @lovecaroline_ !!!

  64. Hello, my name is Rebecca Fuller and a third year student. I attended Red Deer College for two years and this is my first year at U of A. I am enrolled in the nutrition and food major program. I do not use a lot of social media so I am looking forward to learning how to use twitter, blogs and other ways to socialize using the media. The types of social media I use are Facebook and now twitter. If you'd like add me on twitter! RebeccaFuller7

  65. Hi! My name is Leah, and I am a second year Ag student, with a major in Pasture and Range Management. I haven not previously had a Twitter account, and I don't really understand how to use it yet, but I suppose I will after this class. My Facebook account is extremely inactive, but I have had a couple of blogs previously to this as part of class projects. I am looking forward to learning techniques of effective communication and I hope to improve my computer literacy skills this term!

  66. Hi ALES 204! My name is Kelsey MacDonald and I am in my last year of the Human Ecology program. I hope to one day pursue a career in the world of fashion and public relations. I worked for a program called Young & Free Alberta last year where I was paid to tweet, blog and Facebook for their program. This job helped me discover my love for media relations and connecting with others with similar interests. I also have my own fashion blog called The Beauty of Commitment. I have a twitter account for that blog (@beautyofcomitmt) and my personal twitter account is @kelsey_macd. I'm truly looking forward to this class! See you Friday!

  67. Hey there, my name is Annalise and I am in the Nutrition Major. I live for 2 things which are food and the summer sun. Not only do I love eating food but I love the science behind it and the health that goes with it hand in hand. This past summer I realized how much I dislike many of the social media archives out there...however I understand their place in our society today. I use my twitter account to follow Nutrition and Health professionals as they pass their knowledge into the world of twitter (and to me). In my career, it is one of my goals to be well involved in communicating my profession with the public, so social media will be playing a key role. I am looking forward to the public speaking module of this class the most.

  68. Hi, My name is Niloofar Zandi. The social media that I use right now are youtube and skype. Looking forward to facebook and twitter.

  69. Hi ALES 204! I'm Laurel, and I'm in my third year here at the UofA. This fall I've transferred into Crop Science from physiology and developmental biology. My current use of social media has mainly been Facebook (to keep in touch with friends back home and to share trip pictures). To be honest, I've deliberately avoided using twitter up until this class. Sometimes it's nice to not be glued to technology constantly. Maybe using twitter in this class will give me a new outlook!

  70. Good Morning! I am Toni Carlson and I am in my second year of Nutrition and Food Science, my first year at the U of A. I transferred from Medicine Hat College, as that is where I am originally from. I use Facebook very regularly, however Twitter is brand new to me. It will take a while for me to get used to it I am sure; but with the practice we will be getting in class it should not take too long!

  71. Anonymous said...Hi there, my name is Duo Zhi and I just switched to the Nutrition Major this year. I was previously majoring in Law back at China but after several years of studies I came to realize what I am passionate about is to help people with medical needs change their lives in a positive I am trying my best to become a dietitian. To be honest, I am not a big fan of those social media websites but I do use MSN a lot to keep in touch with my friends~anyways I have signed up a twitter account already lol and btw the username is Randy_525

  72. Good Morning! I'm Shi Yuan and I'm a new transfer international student here.I'm in the second year, majoying in the environmental economics and policy.Actually, we cannot catch the facebook and twitter websites in China, so I'm not familiar with these two popular communication ways.They are totally new things to me. Usually, I used e-mail as well as MSN to communicate with friends.But I always enthusiastic about trying new communication ways and I hope I can get used to facebook and twitter soon.

  73. Hi, I am Joyee Cheng. This is my second year in U of A and i am major in nutrition and food science. My goal is to complete my fourth year here and went back to Hong Kong to be a registered dietian. My current use of social media is facebook and msn. I usually use those two to keep in touch with friends. And I am new to twitter, so i hope it is easy to handle.

  74. Hi! My name is Mark Storey. I love being outdoors and enjoying our environment so I'm majoring in conservation biology here at the U of A. I use both Pinkbike and Facebook to interact with people via the internet. Although I just made a Twitter account and plan on using it also!

  75. Hello everyone, my name is Brandon Dang. This is my third year studying at the UofA. I was in Biological Sciences in first two years and I recently just transferred to Food Sciences. I am excited be starting a new program. I have heard that this program is very interesting and judging by my first few lectures this semester, I would have to agree. My current use of social media is obviously facebook, email and now twitter as well.

  76. Hey, My name is Benjamin Lee, I'm currently in my 3rd year at U of A enrolled in the Nutrition major program. I grew up in Calgary but was originally born in Taiwan. I rarely use Facebook, and thus pretty inexperienced with social media. Hopefully, I'll enjoy social media more after the completion of ALES 204.

  77. Hello everybody. I am Philip Auer, a second year agriculture student at the U of A. I'm stoked on the concept of sustainable food production and permaculture.
    I have never been too big on internet communication, but I use facebook and email when convenient. I probably shouldn't be so negative about these tools because they are the future of spreading ideas.

  78. Hi my name is Jascha Handel and I am a second year conservation biology student. Up to date all I have used for social media is facebook, email, and some internet forums and just got a twitter account. Seeing as society is becoming increasingly dependant on this type of media and its capability of spreading knowledge and ideas instantly I am eager to become acquainted with more of these tools.

  79. Hey everyone, my name is Sydney Haubrich and I am in my third year of the Nutrition and Food Science program. One day I hope to become a Registered Dietitian. My current use of social media is fairly small: Facebook, Google+, and the occasional visit to YouTube. I have had a few different Twitter accounts in the past, but they always take over my life! I had to shut them down. Looking forward to learning lots of new communication strategies in ALES 204 this term.

  80. Hello, my name is Ashlea Chykerda and I am currently in my second year of University in the Nutrition and Food Major. It is my first year at the U of A so I am still trying to get used to the campus and where everything is. I have a facebook account and email frequently, however I have never had a twitter account and I am having some difficulties trying to get used to it. I look forward to learning more about blogging, social medias, and to develop stronger communication skills

  81. Hey! My name is Jamie Desautels, I am in my second year of post secondary education. I am majoring in nutrition with a minor in human ecology. The ALES faculty is a stepping stone in my path to reach my career goal, which is to become a Naturopathic doctor. I love using Facebook to communicate with friends and family although I do prefer seeing them in person. I find Facebook to be great for letting people know about get togethers or even things I'm wanting to sell. I have never used twitter before, nor have I ever blogged, but it looks like a lot of fun so i am excited to get started. I hope to learn much about these communication tools and to continue to use them after the term is over.

  82. Hi, Jessica.My name is Ying Fu and I am currently in the last semester of my life in U of A. My major is Forest Business Management. I was transferred from Zhejiang Forestry University in China 3 years ago. The social medias that I currently use are Facebook, Skype and Twitter. I like to use Twitter because it gives me more surprises than the facebook. I look forward to learning more about social medias and to improve my communication skills.

  83. Hi, my name is Christina Luong. I am an international student, currently in my third year of the Nutrition and Food Science program. My current use of social media is Facebook, emails, yahoo messenger, and skype. I have known about Twitter for a long time, but never actually used it. I love social media because it's the only way for me to communicate with my family and friends back home. I really hope I will gain more knowledge about twitter, and other communication tools at the end of this term.

  84. Hello, my name is Shelby Cender and I am in my second year of Nutrition and Food Sciences. I hope to work very hard this year to apply and be accepted to the Nutrition program, my end goal to be a dietician. I use social media such as facebook and twitter already to communicate and interact with my close friends. I also follow many online blogs of great variety that includes entertainment, do-it-yourself ideas, and opinion pieces. I have been active on the internet for many years in various forums and am excited for ALES to teach me other aspects of the web, as well as further develop my communication skills.

  85. Hi, my name is Kelley Reynolds. I am currently starting my second year in Agriculture and loving it! My current forms of social media are facebook and email. I do have skype and twitter but have not taken the time to learn how to use them. I am looking forward to doing so in this class. Considering social media is becoming such a large part of our world this class seems like a great way to learn about it and how to use them successfully!

  86. Hi, my name is Alyssa VanKooten and I am in my second year of Nutrition. In my spare time I attend the Student Union group Campus for Christ, go swimming, and hang out with friends and family. I do not use very much social media, only Facebook. I also use email and skype. It seems that my social networking activity follows the trends of my friends, none of which have blogs or Twitter accounts. I find Facebook to be sufficient for all my social networking needs so far. I am looking forward to expanding my social networking repertoire during this class, and finding out how these sites can better me for my future career. Thanks!

  87. Hey, my name is Jasmeena Gill and I am currently in my third year of sciences, but second year of nutrition. I use a couple different types of social media: Facebook, email, Skype. Mostly I use my phone to go onto these accounts. I just made a twitter account! I never thought I would make one, but now I do. I am really looking forward to this class, it seems so interesting and I am positive it is going to help me a great deal in the future.

  88. Hi, my name is Karly Mah and I'm currently in my third year of Nutrition and Food Science. In my spare time I'm relatively active, and this year I'm joining the UofA figure skating club. In terms of social media I am on a number of sites including facebook, google plus (recent), twitter, tumblr,and of course, email. After being to the first class and reading over the syllabus I realise that this will be a very interesting and useful class since my goal in the future is positively advertise to the world about Health Promotion!

  89. Hey my name is Lindsay Bower. I'm majoring in Nutrition and Food with a minor in Physical Activity. Right now I have a Facebook account (which is virtually collecting cobwebs), Skype (to talk to my friends in Australia) and Twitter (just started it today!) I'm excited to learn more about blogs and other social media so I can share recipes and other healthy living tips with a large audience.

  90. Hello, my name is Maureen Carrigy. I just moved to Edmonton from Calgary literally about 5 days ago now so I'm super new to the city and don't really know too many people! I'm in my third year, but I just transferred to U of A to take Nutrition so unfortunately for me I have to begin the program brand new as a first year student (lame!). I hope to become a Certified Dietitian at the end of my 4 years here and travel working for International Aid. I'm very excited for these next few weeks exploring new social networking sites. I'm already an avid Twitter user as well as Facebook so you'll all be able to find me there! See you all soon

  91. Hi, my name is Belle Tiau. I am currently in my fourth and final year of Animal Health. In my spare time, I like to do some outdoor activities such as hiking. I am using a few social media (facebook, skype, email, and twitter) to connect with my friends and family. I rarely use twitter, so hopefully I can start using it more in the future.

  92. Hello, my name is Dawoon JUNG, you guys can call me Melanie. I'm an international student and currently in my 3rd year in Human Ecology.
    Im using facebook, e-mail and just recently started twitter to communicate with people.

  93. Hi. My name is Jamie Kalla and I'm technically in my 3rd year of Conservation Biology at the UofA. Having transferred from NAIT, this is my first year actually attending classes here. I am an avid Facebook and youtube user, but have not had much experience with twitter.

  94. My name is Sabrina Fallon and I am in my 3rd year of my nutrition and food science degree. I would love to one day be a registered dietitian since I love learning and teaching others about how to live a healthy happy and active life. I have never really gotten into the whole twitter phenomena but facebook is a pure addiction for me! I am Looking forward to learning about different media outlets for ways of communication from this course.

  95. Hello everyone, my name is Angele L'Heureux and I am excited about becoming an advocate for nutrition and health. I was born and raised in Edmonton and I am currently in my second year of food science and nutrition. Nurtition has affected my life greatly due to my father. After having complications with neuropathy and diabebtes, my father currently resides in a mental rehabilitation facility in Panoka. He suffers from an alcohol induced nutrient defficiency that has lead him to a mental disease called Kosekoff Syndrome. One of my goals after or in my education is to create awareness of cases like my dad's.

    Workidng as a dietician I am hoping social media, communication, and technology can help me spread my message to people all around the world efficiently and clearly so awareness and innovations for the future can be attained. Having such a huge data base on how we can convey and connect ideas through out humanity can make us effectively produce positive results for our global community. I can post campanes, events, and organizations via internet and technological communication to spread my message to a whole new level. Hope everyone has a great semester :)

    Angele L'Heureux

  96. Hi name is Alex. I'm in my first year in the faculty of Agriculture with a major in sustainable agriculture systems. I was previously in the Arts faculty but after taking a little time off changed programs. I rarely use social media. I have Facebook just as a backup way to get in touch with people. I'm looking forward to being exposed to different forms of communication in this course, even if I don't use them after at least I'll know what they're all about.

  97. Hi my name is ManKwan Cheung and this is my legal name! You can also call me Katy! I am the third year student in U of A and majoring in textile and clothing! I come from Hong Kong and this is my sixth years to study in Canada! I use Facebook regularly. I look forward to learn more about social media and how i can have a professional way to communicate with others. I think its really cool to communicate with our professor by using Twitter.

  98. Hi my name is Lindsey Budd and I am currently in my third year of clothing and textiles. I frequently use email and facebook but look forward to becoming more familiar with other social media outlets such as twitter. I think it is a really interesting way to get information out as well as immediate feedback.

  99. Hi my name is Laura Duncan. I am in my 4th year of university and I am taking Agriculture majoring in Range and Pasture Management. I use email and facebook but have never got into any other online forms of media. Looking forward to some new experiences with online social networking!

  100. Hey, my name is Long Tran and I've been in university for waaay too long without a degree - I've attended U of C and MRU both of which are in my hometown. This is my first year at the U of A and I am currently in the Nu FS major and am trying to get into the Nutrition major. As for use of social media, FaceBook is pretty much it along with a couple blog sites for music and sneakers. I would not really consider email social media because then you'd have to include the (actual) use of a telephone in the same group, no? But nonetheless, I do use email. As for Twitter, honestly, I am very skeptical about Twitter - I feel it should be of primary use for businesses/companies to promote themselves rather than have a bunch of random people tell us what they are eating or stupid stuff like that... Although, I guess this mindset could be changed.

  101. Hey Everyone,

    My Name is Chris (Christopher) Wohl. I am a 3rd year student at UofA and majoring in Environmental Economics and Policy. I used to attend the Augustana Campus of UofA, and was taking a BSc in Bio, but moved to main campus mid-year last year. I find the internet a valuable tool for exchange of information and communication, but have had a tough time 'catching the bug' for things like constant facebook status updates and tweets; What people have had for breakfast, or the crazy driver infront of them in traffic... I dont know what to make of it? I do use things like forums, particularly ones about fishkeeping (I have several aquariums), one local forum is called ''. I use email regularly... and will do things like update photos from trips on facebook, or the very occasional message to a friend, but that is about the extent of my usuage of social media websites. I look forward to practicing my communication & writing skills, and learning how to communicate business and information across the web.

    (and practicing how to write 'blog' posts rather than a formal message? I find it very hard to make a short, concise point when writing)

  102. Hello! My name is Jenny Brown. I am in the third year of my Nutrition Major program. This is my second time around at the U of A; I graduated a while ago with a Bio Sciences degree and have worked in the field of environmental consulting. After several years into my career, I decided that health care was more for me and I made the switch. This was a tough decision, but I think it will be well worth it!! My main use of social media includes hotmail and facebook. I use hotmail mainly for general purpose communication such as email amongst friends, receiving advertisements and any business related information. My use of Facebook includes messaging and creating events with my close friends and maintaining connections with old friends who have moved to other cities. I think that ALES 204 is going to be very useful for me because I feel somewhat 'behind with the times' as far as the benefits that the internet can provide. I'm excited to be getting on track!!:)

  103. Hello!!! My name is Wagma Rashid. I m in my fourth year Nutrition and food Sciences. I am actually not very involved when it comes to social networking. but recently opened facebook and thanks to this class I got to know about twitter. so am planning to increase my knowledge more about the social networks that are being used by others.

  104. Hi everyone!
    My name is Michelle Letourneau and I'm a Nutrition and Food Sciences student. Currently, I use social media (such as Facebook) only to communicate with friends. I've used blogs before for highschool classes so I'm not completely new to the idea of using blogging for purposes other than an "online diary". I'm very interested in learning about how to use social media for business and more professional communication. I think that social media is a great way to connect and share ideas with people!

  105. Hi! My name is Alice Sech. I'm in my 3rd year in the human ecology program majoring in textiles clothing and minoring in marketing. I regularly use facebook as my social media to keep in touch with friends and with the edmonton fashion community. I've made blogs for class projects and have followed some fashion blogs in the past. I feel I have much more to learn about social media and I am eager to see what other networks I can use for professional and personal purposes.

  106. Hi, my name is Nancy Chau and I am a fourth year Nutrition student. The main social media that I use is Facebook to keep in touch with friends and have a database to share photos. My Blackberry has made communicating with family and friends back home a lot easier with the use of Blackberry messenger.

  107. Hi, my name is Tania Boyko, and I am a second year pre-veterinary medicine student in ALES. I ultimately use facebook for social interactions, hotmail for communication with peers and educators, youtube for keeping up on what's happening in the world, and twitter for this class!

  108. Hi, so in the post above is my current academic situation. Today I had my first CSL lab with Courtney, and it went really well. My placement ended up being with the Writers Guild of Alberta. I am super stoked to get started with the placement after today's lab. My hopes for my placement (other than gaining a lot of experience and making great contacts) is to incorporate my interests in animals, but also help the guild make stronger ties to the younger demographic. =)

  109. Hi, my name is Carmen D. and I'm currently in my second year. I don't really use social media outside of facebook because facebook already covers my important needs of event planning and remembering birthdays. I've never really thought that twitter or blogging was for me but I have made accounts for both Twitter and Blogger, both with the same username.

    Hopefully I can get something about sharing things with the internet out of this class because that's definitely not something I do now (or really care to do). I commented on the wrong blog post earlier so hopefully copy+paste is fine.

  110. Hello, my name is Brenna Wasylenki and i am second year student at the University of Alberta and currently in the Nutrition and Food Science major wishing to transfer into the Nutrition major. I have to say that social media and I do not get along, in fact Facebook is one of the only social media tool that I currently use and even then not very often. I prefer to have face to face conversations with people because i feel that information is conveyed in a more personable matter. I am curious to see if this class will change my views regarding social media in a more positive light.

  111. Hi, my name is Chau Chin Yo, and I am in my second year at the University of Alberta. I am currently in Nutrition and Food Sciences, hoping to transfer to a Nutrition major. Prior to this class, the only social media tool that I used was Facebook. I also told myself I would never use Twitter because I thought it was pointless, but that's no longer possible! Since I made an account, I've found it to be rather fun, and I'm afraid I'm going to end up addicted to it! I look forward to learning more about social media in this class, and you can follow me @chauyo. =)

  112. Hey! My name is Vanesa Flynn. I am currently enrolled in my 2nd year of NUFS, aspiring to get into NUTR. My main interests are nutrition and buisness and I am still torn between the two. I have only used Facebook up until this class, so Twitter will be a whole new learning curve for me. I am extremely interested in learning a professional way to tweet & Facebook, I believe they will be good life skills considering where our world is headed. You can follow me @ VanilaaaBeann #nootheroptions#i'mnew#Vanesa Flynn :)

  113. Hello! My name is Alana Soderberg and I am in my third year of Human Ecology. My major is clothing and textiles and my minor is fashion merchandising and marketing. I am not a huge user of social media and prior to this class I have only been using facebook. Facebook for me is a way to stay connected to friends that have moved away as well as friends that haven't. Although I don't have a regular blog I did have to create a blog in a computer design course I took in my second year, but once the course was done I never used it again. I am looking forward to ALES 204 and learning more about social media and how it can be used not just as a way to stay connected with friends but also in a more professional setting. Should be interesting!

  114. Hello! My name is Jami Frederick and I am a third year Animal Health student. I am hoping to get into vet school in the next couple years! I admit i have very little social media knowledge, I've only ever used Facebook. But I am slowly figuring out this blog thing and learning how to use Twitter! You will have to be patient with me though, in general I am extremely technologically illiterate. I am really looking forward to increasing my usage of social media sites and learning to communicate effectively with them!

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