Monday, December 5, 2011

Lecture 34: Futurecasting

Wow, it is that time of year already - two classes left in the entire term and today will be the final lecture!

As you know, Wed. we have some fun lined up for us consisting of the sure-to-be informative pecha kucha presentations from our CSL students and a special sum-up from Kelsey MacDonald, Julianna Damer and Annalise Young.

 Here is my own little summary of this term's Ales204 class. I used storify (mentioned in the lecture) to curate some photos, tweets, audioboos and more that were published on the web with our course tag: #ALES204. Enjoy and feel free to comment on the stories themselves (a new feature storify recently added).

Take a look at this prediction for the Future of Science from the Institute for the Future:

A Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021
 CNN features map in "A look at 'the future of science' 2021"
Future of Science map - click to view large image

Invisibility cloaks. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence. A Facebook for genes. These were just a few of the startling topics IFTF explored at our recent Technology Horizons Program conference on the "Future of Science." More than a dozen scientists from UC Berkeley, Stanford, UC Santa Cruz, Scripps Research Institute, SETI, and private industry shared their edgiest research driving transformations in science. MythBusters' Adam Savage weighed in on the future of science education. All of their presentations were signals supporting IFTF's new "Future of Science" forecast, laid out in a new map titled "A Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021." The map focuses on six big stories of science that will play out over the next decade: Decrypting the Brain, Hacking Space, Massively Multiplayer Data, Sea the Future, Strange Matter, and Engineered Evolution. Those stories are emerging from a new ecology of science shifting toward openness, collaboration, reuse, and increased citizen engagement in
scientific research.
We are delighted to share the map with you, under a Creative Commons license permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution. We hope you enjoy it and find it provocative. Think of "A Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021" as a star chart of possibility, pointing the way toward opportunities for wonder, knowledge, and insight. Use it to raise questions about how your life and work may change in light of the startling transformations that science may bring about in the next ten years. Indeed, every forecast could be rephrased as a "what if" question. What if you could record your dreams? What if you could design a life form? What if you could launch a company in orbit? Your answers to those questions can help inform decisions in the present. Inside this map, you'll find plenty of space to think.


  1. Interesting lecture today! It really emphasized the growth of social media, today, and for the future. I never really thought that I was "connected" in many social media sites, as I thought social media only pertained to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. However, this lecture made me realize how much of it is really integrated into my daily life. As for the future of it and the future of science? I feel kind of weary of what to expect. All I know is that technology is advancing at a fast pace, as what the future holds of it, is really unexpected. You have to keep up with it, or else you'll fall behind.

  2. I found the lecture to be very informative today. I had no idea that there were so many different social networking sites available for use, especially with the location services that were shown today. With all of the new advances that are happening today with technology, advances in social media are going to keep happening at an increasing rate. With these new advances, there are bound to be some challenges that will result and some of society will meet the new changes with resistance. I am optimistic that these new advances will help society and not harm it.

  3. The lecture today was very interesting. I think social media has a bright future, though the form of social media will probably evolve over time. The biggest challenge for social media will be overcoming fear of privacy concerns, cyber crime by governments and regulatory bodies. We can see this fear by all the online censorship/monitoring bills that Western governments are trying to push through. Social media has become a huge driving force in our society today - it helps people get jobs, spread knowledge and socialize.

    Amanda Leong

  4. I found that today's lecture awakened me and it deffinately changed my view of social media. At the beginning of this class back in September, i knew little about social media and i hesitated to use so many socail media at first. However, today's lecture made me realize how fortunate i was to have basic knowledge of different social media and their use. I did not knew that there was so many social networking sites, and how Businesses are now using social media as marketing tool to attract clients by sending coupons when they are within a certain distance by providing "location services." As well, with the advancement in technology and increase use of social media as communication tool, people are going to face many challenges in the future if they do not keep up with social media updates. In fact, the job for social medial has grown 67% since 2009, and it will grow higher in the future as well, as the advances in social media is growing rapidly.

    I think that there are positive aspects associated with social media in the future. It allows instant connection to anyone or any website for information at anytime with any hardware, despite language and cultural barriers. As well, it opens more jobs. But it is hard to determine how the future of social media will be as government rules will have to be changed to accommodate new form of technology, communication and international policies including privacy of the individual. Thus, we all will face a new revolution of technology and it would be hard to predict now what type of challenges the world will face. All we know now is that technology is advancing rapidly, and people's awareness and use of these technology is lagging behind, so the future ahead of us is unexpected.

  5. Today's lecture was great, shows that these tools we have learnt in class are being used in the real world and the demand for people that know how to use them is growing! No doubt that companies will invest in these resources for as the internet grows and the new "on-line" generation grows this will be one huge target market. There will always be some draw backs like bugs to glitches but nothing is 100% efficient. The WWW is a great place, for unless you are censored everyone can get the same information at the same place at the same time, online equality. Also it will be very interesting to see the new trends in social media coming in the near future, I was a big fan of "Nexopia" before (yes lame lol) but it was great! Guess things do change with time.

  6. This was my favorite lecture by far. I learnt of so many new websites that are available for my social media use. I had no idea so many even existed! There is something available for each individual interest of a person. I especially enjoyed seeing how many people actually used different websites BESIDES twitter and facebook. The results were very small and I can only hope other classes can be introduced to these fantastic social media tools soon as well! I find you definitely need to keep up with all these new things or else or else you get out of touch.

  7. I never realized how many social networking tools there are. Before this class I only knew about Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. This class has enlightened me about many many more sites and programs that allow you to communicate with friends, professionals, and anyone you wish. Social networking tools allow individuals to post blogs, communicate with others, find research information, read articles and papers, etc. I have never heard about LinkedIn, Flickr, CrowdStorm, or actually the majority of the examples listed in the lecture. This lecture brought me to realize how many social networking tools are really out there and how they have expanded throughout the years.

  8. I learnt a lot from this class. Never knew that there were so many tools for communication, until this class.

  9. This class really got me to expand my knowledge on all of the social media resources available on the web.

  10. This semester has flown by, I can't believe it's already coming to an end.
    I really liked the summary of the class, I think it demonstrates just how much we've covered this semester. Before this course I had never heard of LinkedIn, Delicious and never used Twitter or Flickr. Now I have accounts on all those sites and can easily navigate them!
    This class really emphasized how many social media sites exist, and that what exists today is only the beginning.

  11. I actually thought this lecture was a great presentation to conclude the course. I noticed that there were so much in this slideshow I wish we had more classes to learn about geotagging, and augmented reality because I want to know more about them (hi Dr. Lacetti, I think you should have one whole lecture for each, that would be neat). I've seen augmented reality so many times in sci fi, a few years from now, our phones/glasses will enable that I'm excited like a nerd. Social media is increasingly becoming a necessity but if we all know how to balance that with real life, it would become a powerful tool. I know it's already hard to keep up with new technology but I'm still excited as to the future of social media. Because of social media, it will open up many doors to scientific research, job opportunities and meet people halfway around the world.

  12. I really enjoyed today's lecture, it was definitely some food for thought as to where technology is heading and perhaps what we can expect to see in the future. The "Multiverse of Exploration: The Future of Science 2021" map enlightened me about the unlimited possibilities of the future of technology and its evolution. By simply asking questions about the uses and applications of various technologies we could see extraordinary scientific advancements. Today's lecture was one of the highlights of this course for me because it put everything that we have learned in the past 3 months into perspective. It is clear to me now how important it is to stay knowledgeable about the evolution of technology and the various uses of social media because they may lead to important future discoveries.

  13. Thanks so much everyone for the positive comments on today's lecture. I'm glad I was able to share (a bit!) of how much is out there and how quickly communication and comms technology are changing.

    Thanks to you all for being game to try out all the tools!

  14. Listening is going to replace texting?! Isn't that kind of taking us back to just voicemail? I suppose bypassing the possiblity of a conversation does keep it a speedy form of communication. Also, I liked checking out GetGlue and finding out more ways to get a decent restaurant review!

  15. Today's lecture was a great conclusion to the semester. I learned a lot about new social networking tools that I hadn't previously heard of. Advances in social media and technology have changed the world of communication, and thus a class like this is very relevant for students to take. Upon graduation, we are going to be able to use these communication skills in our careers. This updated version of the ALES 204 class will give us a competitive edge as we pursue our careers. Upon seeing a syllabus of the previous version of this class, I see that this year’s instantiation has been significantly modernized. Thanks for all the great information and skills that we have developed within our labs!

  16. This class has opened my eyes to the advancements since facebook hit the world wide web. I know that we only skimmed the surface of all the social media tools available, but I feel that you did a great job exposing us to common ones that will be useful tools in our current lives. Speaking for myself, I am now addicted to blogging and then tweaking my blog. The possibilities are endless with social media and new technological advancements. While many are that the human is becoming more lazy and impersonal. I believe that may be true in some cases, but when utilized in a more advantageous way, people will launch themselves achieving their goals with the help of social media tools. One more class to go, and I don't want it to end!

  17. ALES 204 gave me new insight on social media, specifically how to use Facebook and twitter professionally. I think with the technology and education shifting to internet, learning about social sites such as LinkedIn will help me in the future.
    This class also made me develop a new hobby: Blogging! I particularly enjoyed it and will continue blogging.

    THanks @JessL and TAs

  18. It makes me wonder what other innovations are out there. There is so much to offer with social media that it is hard to fathom what people can come up with next.

  19. What a great way to sum up what we have learned this semester. Here I thought that we had covered the majority of social media resources out there but it looks like we just touched the surface. The slide titled "Social Media Landscape" shows a ton of websites I have never even heard of. Back in september the only site I used was Facebook, and that was for personal use. I think that before I explore new social media outlets I will try and utilize the ones we have learned in ALES204.
    Thanks for introducing me skills to succeed in the world of social media.

  20. I had no idea how many useful social media sites were out there other than facebook. I already use GetGlue and it has linked me to a lot of cool suggestions.
    I'm gonna start trying to get more connected and establish a more of a presence in social media. As well I'm going to continue with my blog after this class is over.

  21. I had no idea that there were so many social media sites out there, and how much it has grown since the introduction of Facebook. I am glad that I learned how to use these sites in a professional manner. I plan on continuing to use linkedin, and also continuing with my blog.

  22. We have learned lots in this course. I never know that there are so many social media sites as I use facebook and twitter most often(after taking this course). This lecture shows the growth in social media in recent years and this is worldwide development. People from different places by using those online tools can communicate and this makes people closer than before.

  23. Today's lecture showed a lot of the different social media we have learned. I think it was a good summation to this class. Professionalism on the internet is an important skill to have.

  24. I love how Storify allows for readers to reply to the tweets posted, such a cool feature! It was interesting to learn about where social media is taking society and what the future of social media will be. I'm excited but nervous too! I have learnt so much from this course throughout the semester and am grateful for what I learnt, as it will significantly help me in my future career. I agree with Lida's comment about how "when i was enrolling in a communications class, I didn't think it would be like this one." I thought that the course would focus primarily on public speaking skills, whether in an interview or when doing a public presentation. I am glad that we did learn tips from Wendy and MC about how to give a proper presentation, however I am even happier about all the social media tools that we learnt as well. Check out my e-portfolio ( where I talk about all of the important things that we learnt in ALES 204. Thanks so much Jess and TAs!

  25. This was a great lecture, it was an awesome way to wrap up what we have been learning this semester in ALES 204.
