Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lecture 15: Folksonomy & Tagging


  1. Tagging is cool! It is neat how people can share their thoughts and ideas about a product by using this folksonomy system.

  2. Today was one of my favorite lectures thus far. I have always used tags in my web searches, but I have never thought about their significance. It is amazing that one word can lead to so many different things; a simple tag can direct you to extensive conversations and vast amounts of information. During class, I searched "autunm", which lead to 3,479 results, and one photo alone had 1,144 comments!

  3. Folksonomy! Tagging is personalization of information on the WWW. It allows you to organize the information. Tags may be displayed in tag clouds, where the most tags are displayed in larger font and least tags are in small font. Over time tag clouds change as people find new ways to display info or new trend in pics. ex. iphoneography - taking pics w your iPhone. it didn't exist few years ago.
    Tagging can also be used as social communication

  4. Folksonomy, I find, is really interesting. Having the public tag and comments on your information or photos helps broaden your view of your original idea. It allows you to see interpretations that you may have not realized before. A tag cloud is really cool. It allows you to see things that are popular and compare them to things that are not. It can help you find specific items more easily because it is so organized. I will definitely use tags more often now. Thanks Jess for showing it to us.

  5. It's crazy how there are terms for the use of technology like folksonomy. When that word was first mentioned I had no idea what it was and now I feel like I want to learn more of these terms, because in the future they will be more common. Another example was in the tag cloud, iphoneography. New terms are being created everyday!

  6. When it comes to tagging, what comes to mind is tagging photos/links on facebook and tagging your own videos on youtube to get viewers. That's folksonomy right there! But I learned that tagging goes beyond sharing personal photos with friends and youtube videos. Tagging is done by users to organize information online. Let's say you search for the word apple. You can find all sorts of information related to apples like Steve Job's apple, the forbidden fruit, the fruit that keeps the doctor away, etc. Tags are general yet so specific because it allows you to sort information you only need.

  7. I am really enjoying going through Flickr photos! Some of them are so beautiful! I am glad that I have been introduced to this website. Tagging makes it so easy to find pictures! Folksonomy is great too!

  8. I love the term folksonomy! It really encompasses the meaning of tagging for personal use! Thanks for teaching us about what makes good & bad tags. I would have never thought about a lot of your pointers, such as keeping to one word, or even when to use upper and lower case. I can't wait to show off my new tagging skills!

  9. Folksonomy is a great way to find more information about a topic! Interesting to learn about tag clouds and what makes a good 'cloud'. Also cool to learn more about how you can search tags to find Flickr. I think it's cool how people comment so much on the photos and create story conversations around the pictures.

  10. I was always aware of tags but I haven't really thought of their significance. Interesting to find that there is a term for it (Folksonomy). I think it's a great way to find things on the web. It makes things easier to find and is great to connect with other people interested in the same topic. Tagging is also just another great way to keep organized!

  11. As always, I learned something new today in ales204. I did not knew what folksonomy was in the first place, but the idea of tagging and its personalized nature, was something i never heard before. It was intersting to learn that tagging is a way of communication and a tool to find information online by only using one word! I was supprised to find out the one can gather large data of information through a sigle word, and creating a conversation with just one word that eventually leads to tons of information that includes peoples opinion and their way of association of that "word."

  12. Folksonomy is a completely new term for me!...It seems like a really useful thing when searching for information and pictures. I find it interesting how some tags seem completely irrelevent to me, but seem appropriate because of someone else's view. I can see how commenting with others on a picture on Flikr, for example, can be fun and interesting because you get to hear what others think as well as share what you think.

    Right now I'm working on trying to make my word cloud, which I'm really excited about because they look really cool and I like how you can personalize them! The "Wordle" website however, is blocked on my computer. I'll keep trying!

  13. I found that there are two tag clouds right in this page.One is course tags and the other one is my delicious tags.Actually I used the tags a lot before when I searching on the Internet. But I didn't know its name until today.Such a convenient function when looking for information.It is such an amazing thing to create a tag with other people, like our "#ales204"tag.It is the common people that create the fashion in today's world.

  14. I never recognize how useful a tag is!It seems only a small word shows on a web page but actually can bring you to a big piece of information!I think tag clouds impresses me that there will be different size of word taggings to catch people' sights, the more important ones will have a larger tag.And when I look down our class blog, we have course tags too!Introduction lab, module 1, presentation and public speaking have a larger tag than others. I think tagging also brings people together as they can discuss after seeing the same text/picture.Just by typing a simple word and lots of related information comes out on the search page!Overall, it is really helpful in accessing information.

  15. Wow, I never even knew that Folksonomy existed! This 'tagging' seems like a great way for people to express their opinions about a wide range of topics, from a walk that someone took in the woods to marketing of products. What I though was cool about tagging in Flickr was that people were able to use it as a means to promote their artwork, or just to share the beauty of it with others. I like how these forms of communication can not only be used for entertainment purposes, but also serve as a way for individuals to promote their talents, and use it to connect with a larger audience than would be possible using other means.

  16. Folksonomy is an interesting concept. I didn't really know about tagging other then tagging people in pictures in some social networking situations. I learned a new word today- Cloud tagging. I've frequently seen this on photobucket, and it really is arranged by what is more popular.
    Delicious is a little confusing to me, I feel like it's very vague. Is it just a place to save all your favorite websites, and they're really easy for you to access? Or is it like flickr, where you're sharing photos for the whole world to see but instead you're sharing links?

  17. I just realized how powerful tagging is. We are actually able to create folksonomy that way. It is such a useful way to know the current trend and what is the most popular things people are talking about.

  18. I'd hate to release a poorly made product and have the public ruin my "companies" reputation with a cloud tag. Very effective form of what seems to be honest, unbiased feedback about a product. Great for potential buyers and company feedback!

  19. Creating tags through the folksonomy system is a really cool way to share whatever you want. Looking at those flickr photos today and seeing all the new questions and stories created from people searching different tags makes me wanna share and create some of my own tags and see what responses i get from them.

  20. Today was the first time I heard the words Folksonomy and Tag cloud. There is so much I don't know about navigating the web so I am thankful for this class.
    Will we discuss the blurring of hierarchies and oppositions as well as current views about the emergence and diffusion of media in class?

  21. Thanks to this lecture, I finally understand the (used to be random) tag cloud on this blog. Creating my own delicious account, linking sites and tagging them was actually fun! Definitely a great class today, thanks!

  22. As per Courtney Hughes here is the link to my blog.


  23. I'd never heard of Folksonomy and tag cloud. It seems like a perfect way to share specific information with people. I also like the idea that the tags that are more popular get a bigger font-something that is very simple but shows a lot actually.

  24. Tagging is looks like a kind of creating key word for information based on your own perception,it involved your understanding and interests and make tag more easier understand by others who have the similar ideas or thoughts.it helps spread the ideas of people who create them,and at the same time,it also attract more people to join this big party.I guess that why so many advertisments are going around tags.

  25. This is the first time I have been introduced to "folksonomy". To my surprise I have been experiencing it nearly every day. I never realized the linked words associated with a youtube video or a photo were classified under this. This is a great way to share ideas and expose more people to your ideas than normally possible. It is astounding that you can click on a couple tags and learn something completely new. Technology is constantly evolving; there will always be something new to learn!

  26. I have never really given tagging much thought. I just showed up and that was that. But it is a really great way of communicating to people wha your interested in or how you feel about a certain product. And as for folksonomy, had no idea that was a word!! Its crazy how they can trace it back to the day when it was first used. Technology has changed the face of the earth!

  27. Folksonomy, cool word, never ever heard of it before. It is a good method of communicating common interests with a group of people. I never realized or always took for granted the advantages of the internet!

  28. Folksonomy is a sweet word for tagging posts/pictures with words related to their category. It is a personal way of associating what you think the blog/picture relates most to. For example, I see a picture of raspberries posted on Flickr and I associate the words "healthy" "fruit" and "red" with it, however other people have tagged this photo with "colors" and "frozen". I find folksonomy most important in the sense that you can search using words you're interested in, and this sorting-by-tags will lead you to a variety of results, in which OTHERS have associated these same tags with them. Cool diffusion of information across the World Wide Web!

  29. When ever i heard the word "tagging" i always thought about tagging people in Facebook photos, but after today i learned that tagging can be used for convenient organization purposes. I've used flicker before, but it didn't really occur to me that when we type a single word into the search bar, that that word has been tagged to the picture for easy findings. It really does make searching a lot simpler. It's even more helpful when multiple tags are used because it allows you to get more specific with your search.

  30. Folksonomy is a new word for me and really showed me the good and bad ways of tagging. I was not aware that business' use tagging in order to get reviews on certain products in order to adjust to the consumers opinion. Tagging is a great way to enhance your business and make it accessible for individuals who are looking for something particular. With just a click of a word, this will narrow down your searches in order to send you right to where you want to be. I also learned that it is much easier to have short tags than longer ones and see now that it is very useful.

  31. I'm joining the crowd when it comes to not knowing what folksonomy was before coming to class. I really like the idea of a tag cloud and how it can be interpreted. I didn't ever take time to truly appreciate the organization and personalization that tagging and tag clouds could give a reader or writer. I intend on using tags and tag clouds more often-thats for sure!

  32. I had never hear the word folksonomy before being in this class so I would have had no idea that it was a way to think about tagging articles on the web that are specific to us and our personalities. Tagging can be useful as well as interesting since it can show what words we use most to describe the things we like or it can show others what our main interests are when searching for things. This is best illustrated with tag clouds!

  33. tagging I tat was what I have known through facebook.. where you tag someone in pic. but after th lecture I know that its not the same . but its a really great way to communicate and voice your ideas about the things you like and the things you don. I did not what folksonomy was now I know what is :-)

    Also I updated my blog and as per Courtney Hughes check it out my blog I have added very useful information...

  34. 'Folksonomy' and 'tag clouds' were two terms I was not aware of until Wednesday's lecture. These are some great tools for grouping ideas and opinions, as well as following the latest trends. It is becoming more apparent how useful social media can be!

  35. I had also never heard of "Folksonomy" before! What an interesting concept, being able to see what is going on and what people find important and interesting through tagging (more specifically "tag clouds"). Eye opening to see both business and personal uses!

  36. "Folksonomy" is a term I've never even heard of! It seems like a very effective way to organize, advertise, and share ideas and interests. Never thought that "tagging" could have business advantages! But it's good to know, because almost everyone uses the internet to "check out" particular products. I think the Delicious website would be really useful when trying to find a website about certain topics. Just search a key word!

  37. Thanks to this lecture I finally realized how useful tagging is, and finally noticed it on websites like youtube and flickr and even this site! It's amazing that everyday people have created this huge search engine all over websites. So many uses for it and its so convenient. Also, my new word of the day is "Folksonomy" today!

  38. Before this lecture, I was not aware of the word 'folksonomy' and its meaning. I find it a very useful way to share ideas, organise and for marketing purposes. Tagging is a great way to improve a business and it also makes the latter accessible to other people who have a particular in the subject. I am looking forward to creating my Delicious login and learn more about tagging.

  39. I am the kind of person who won't care too much about the popular topics among people. I find out it is a lot conveninet by simply looking at "folksonomy" and "cloud tags"-- more popular stuff stands out and less popular appears smaller. 'Wedding' and 'party' are two popular words that last for a long time. 'Iphoneography' is the new word I learned from class which means 'the pictures took by Iphone'. Pretty interesting, huh?

  40. Learn something new every day, today it was "folksonomy." Interesting to hear some of the the ways that folksonomy is used to collect ideas and categorize topics rather than just labelling friends on facebook. Also seeing the effectiveness of how a tag cloud really emphasizes numbers and ratios in a visual way could be a useful presentation tool in the future.

  41. Normally when I think of tagging, I think of Facebook photos and posts, but I guess there is a lot more to it than just putting names on faces!

  42. Found folksonomy really interesting. I kind of see it as the root to how search engines worked. Got my Delicious account up and running and I feel that in can be useful in finding research articles.

  43. I had no prior knowledge before this lecture that something called folksonomy even existed. Tagging any number of things in one or two words is a great way to summarize and inform other people in a quick and efficient way! Definitely has a new fan!

  44. http://delicious.com/yolanda_jin
    This is my decilious linkage. I am so glad that I learn the tagging skill. It helps me to find my info faster and more accurate. And also when i have my tag on, it also helps others. Amazing!

  45. I like the concept of folksonomy. It brings together very general topics and groups them into categories as they are tagged. Also, i find it helpful by narrowing down my search by removing the irrelevant stuff. Best of all, i found the tag clouds most interesting.

  46. I thought the folksonomy lecture was pretty interesting, with tag clouds allowing you to focus only on the important tags. Makes it easy to ignore the tags that don't matter.

    here is a link to my delicious account. Not sure about bookmarking because every tutorial on youtube had a different version.


    Filmon Tzeggai

  47. I had no previous knowledge of tagging until this lecture. Folksonomy seems to be an awesome way of organizing and tagging for personal use. I would have never thought that attention to upper and lower case would be important. Also it's neat how handy searching tags can be to find good stuff on Flickr.
    Tag clouds are really neat, I like the idea of seeing what is popular, kinda like hashtags.
    With tagging, it will be easier to find information I'm looking for

  48. Tags are a great organization tool, that the users themselves can make, without even being aware they are creating a database of information. The internet is truly organized by the user....and whatever is important to users at that moment, will show up more rapidly, or large and bold if in a cloud tag. The popularity can be seen by the number of people who viewed the topic or the picture...and the number is usually in the 1000's. The internet users develop categories for topics as they develop, which allows the internet to be ever-evolving, as long as we all keep using it!

  49. I had never heard of folksonomy or tag clouds before this lecture. Now that I know about both of them, they will be useful to me in the future! Creating an organizational system that is tailored for my interests will help to cut down all of the extra information that is floating around on the internet. As for tag clouds, I had never even realized that I see a tag cloud every time I visit the ALES 204 blog. This knowledge will definitely come in handy when I want to know what other people find interesting and will help me to follow online trends. I will be able to access information far more quickly and easily.

  50. Folksonomy was such a foreign word to me before last lecture. I had no idea what it could mean, but after seeing the new approach to searching/organizing information through tagging items/websites/photos that genuinely interest me, I can see where it got its namesake! It is interesting to note that folksonomy not only allows users to tailor information to their personal interests,but it also helps people who run websites and sell products to get feedback and track the popularity of their blog or website or product! I think this is a very neat way to use social networking technology!

  51. Tagging. I have a whole new view of that word now. I realize that you can tag many things, things like websites, articles and photos out on the internet, it's not just exclusive to Facebook anymore (which we should all be used to by now). Folksonomy on the other hand, I had heard whisperings of. I used to think that it was some kind of new-age folk music or something that your parents (Folks) did. But no! It helps people with their daily lives and helps some people to make a living.

  52. Hi Jess,

    I have made a stack on delicious pertaining to ALES204. You can access the stack at: http://delicious.com/stacks/view/M4IYar


  53. I've always wondered how the internet chooses and censors my web browsing, for example on YouTube, choosing videos that the internet will think i will like. To find out that the proper terminology is Folksonomy was a small laugh for me, however after class I could see why it was thus named.

  54. I had no idea that tagging could be so useful! I never thought about it before this class. It is interesting that so much information can be categorized and organized so simply. Anyone could do it. I also thought it was very interesting that companies can get feedback on their products just based on tagging, who knew.

  55. This was the first I have been introduced with the concept of folksonomy. It is a clever way to identify and categorize objects. It can organize concepts in a hierarchy style within a personal/professional blog. I had never realized that tags can be an effective means of getting feedback from others. By seeing what others tag your work as you can see what you are doing well with, or what should be improved.

  56. I'm glad that we discussed tagging in class. I'm very familiar with hashtags on Twitter and am beginning to use tags on Blogger but after this class, I have come to the realization that tags can be very important for helping people get to your site without you telling them about it. Not only is it good for others to find your interesting and pertinent blog post articles but it's also great for you to get more hits on your blog and hopefully get some feedback and comments from others.

  57. Folksonomy is definitely a new term that I have never heard of before! With this class I am being exposed to new terms and methods to make social media more interesting and useful, for an example hashtags. Now with the introduction of tag clouds, I'm starting to find this class interesting.

  58. Folksonomy and tagged cloud are definitely new words to me. It is used as a platform to communicate between customers and producers. Through communication, it helps to improve the quality of the products. Also, by using tagged clouds, it can cut off extra information that we are not finding. Tagged clouds are convenient for people, because it highlights important information. Moreover,tagged clouds always include the newwest information that is happening, such as "london" and "party", so it can update people about the popular trend.

  59. I've seen these tags around before on YouTube and visiting blogs but never knew the correct terminology for it... Now I know. I also never really used them since I would just search for things and try to be specific but now I'll try out clicking on a few tags and see what shows up!

  60. Tag clouds look so delicious lol Folksonomy is an innovative way on how people judge your products with tags. It can also give people insight on things that you think are interesting or enjoying doing. Wow learning all these new tools for communication can make companies excel in giving a maximum quality of a product.

    Hey classmates! If you are looking to reference a students blog post for one of your own check out my newly updated blog. Here's a link below


    I am in the CSL Placement lab, volunteering at the Writers Guild of Alberta. Check out my blog to see how I'm doing or even leave a comment if you like :)

  61. I am using tag everyday by searching key words related with my interested topics. But I did not realize or recognize how much convenience tagging has brought to our life. On today’s class, I searched pictures on Flickr and just one pic can get thousand comments. Tagging works like a social classification and facilitate same interested people gather together. Do you know tagging’s formal name: “Folksonomy”. It created by meaning: people make classification.

  62. Before this lecture tagging and hash-tags seemed completely pointless to me. I never knew that by searching three words you can find so many different things! Just by tagging your pictures, discussions in the comment section can become alive and promote your picture, and extend to your business/organization. I found this yummy italian food picture on flick, and in the comments they people had said where the best places to eat are in Italy. Those restaurants are now being promoted without doing anything. Tagging is a wondrous thing to behold!

  63. It is my first time to know Folksonomy. I think it is great. I've never noticed that how convinience it is to my life. I also think tag clouds is excellent to introduce a product. It's a good tool to share people's ideas about business.

  64. As some people, it is also my first time to know Folksonomy. I think the name is very creative and straight forward:folk taxonomy. Only use a simple word to find the information we need or beyond we need is impressive.

  65. Tagging makes finding information a lot easier because you can be linked to the information you need quickly. It cuts back on the time needed to research a subject, tags are truly convenient. This lecture was the first time I heard the term 'folksonomy'. It's really interesting how user's are the ones creating tags and classifying information on the internet.

  66. This is the first time I've been exposed to the word "folksonomy," so this is a new field for me. It made me realize that my preferred social networking site, Facebook, is actually quite complex in the features it offers to its users. The ability to 'tag' photos allows users to have photos of themselves posted to their profiles FOR them and makes searching for photos of certain people much easier. Facebook has been working to expand their use of the folksonomy/tagging concept right underneath our noses by adding the ability to tag people in posts, comments, and at different places with different people. Twitter works much the same way, allowing for @user searches, #hashtag searches, and searches just of words contained in tweets. Folksonomy helps divide a chaotic amount of online information into "bite-sized" chunks for its users to search, share, and enjoy.

  67. Here is the link to my blog where I made a small wordle with words that describe me:


  68. Here is a link to view my Wordle on my blog. Enjoy!


  69. I've never really done much tagging, word clouds or any type of floksonomy prior to this class. It's a nice way to spread that word, especially on Facebook. You just have to tag something and your entire friends list could see it. It's fanscinating. I've think I've master the concept of tagging through my blog.
